K9data.comLabrador Retriever

Keeper Flying  (6/28/1990-)

Five generation pedigree:

Keeper Flying
NFC FC AFC Jubilashus T. C. Malarky [OFA LR-10574]
FC AFC Jonas Abraham Malarky [OFA LR-6737]
NAFC FC AFC Dee's Dandy Dude
Am & CanDual Ch. Ridgewood Playboy
FC AFC La Sage's Smoky/La Sage's Smokey
FC Nelgard's Counter Point
FC AFC CFC Grady's Shadee Ladee
AFC Black Mike Of Lakewood
Jezebel Of Normandy
Shar-le's Tiny Tina
FC AFC Zipper Dee Do
Am & CanDual Ch. Ridgewood Playboy
FC AFC CFC Grady's Shadee Ladee
Can FTCH Spanky (SA303477)
FC AFC Flood Bay's Baron O'Glengarven
Montana's Tar Of Rodgers Pass
Osceola's Samantha [OFA LR-8285]
Shamrock Acres Osceola
1968NFC 2xNAFC Super Chief [ LR-51]
FC AFC Paha Sapa Chief II
Ironwood Cherokee Chica
AmCH Could Be's Miss Erable
Am.Ch. Mighty Manfred Of Maryglo
AmCH Beer's Mug CD
Shamrock Acres Lady Samantha [OFA LR-4242-T]
NFC FC CFC Mi-Cris Sailor
CFC Highlander's Bojangles
CFC Mi-Cris Black Lady
Shamrock Acres Smoke Screen
NFC FC Martens' Little Smoky
Shamrock Acres Starlight
Panther Lake Bit of Powder
'82CNFC '82NAFC FC AFC Piper's Pacer [OFA LR-10116 ]
FC AFC CFC CAFC Hiwood Piper
FC AFC Hiwood Stormy Of Alaska
2xNFC CNFC AFC Del-Tone Colvin
Lady Roxanne Of Muldoon
Catcher In The Sedge
Willow's Sanbar Yankee
Berry Knoll's Misty
Big River Mancy [OFA LR-1694]
'57CNFC FC AFC Yankee Clipper Of Reo Raj
Duchess of Millers Haven
Big River Daphne
Am & CanDual Ch. Ridgewood Playboy
Smudge's Little Monster
The Ironwood Locomotive
FC AFC CFC Rocky Road Of Zenith
AFC Black Mike Of Lakewood
Vicky's Duffy Boy
Thornwood Bracken Sweet
Jezebel Of Normandy
'57CNFC FC AFC Yankee Clipper Of Reo Raj
'55CNFC FC AFC Belle Of Zenith
Paha Sapa Greta
1968NFC 2xNAFC Super Chief [ LR-51]
FC AFC Paha Sapa Chief II
Ironwood Cherokee Chica
Can.Dual CH Dart Of Netley Creek [OFA LR-261]
Netley Creek's Sugar
Stonegate's Suzie Q

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