
Golden Retriever

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Hunting Creek's Brick  (5/21/2021-)

Five generation pedigree:

Hunting Creek's Brick
Avery Jackson Wall
Laystars Laid-Back Logan [OFA GR-120411G59M-VPI]
Dougie-Doug Phelps
Sir Quincy Shatlon
Buddy Bud Blevins
Sandy Gold Blevins
Lady Jayda Marietta
George W Bush Stetler
Lucy B Stetler
Roxi Phelps Of Amherst
Air Bud Of Albemarle
Sir Anheuser Shagimus
Phoebe Alexandria Johnston
Bailey River Of Albemarle
Ians Miss Cleo Number One
Paris Runway Showdown [OFA GR-121461G25F-VPI]
Alexander's Buddy Boomer
Bailey Will Schaefer
Samuel Adams Broadway
Samantha Jane Broadway
Zoey Lilly Schaefer
Jake Alphin
Princess Alphin
Alexander's Molley Moomers
Casper Rd Wildthing
Stubby Rd Wildthing
Jackie RD Wildthing
Happy Rd Wildthing
Captain Coke RD Wildthing
Milky Way Rd Wildthing [OFA GR-91718F24F-PI]
Rosebud Wall
Turbo Diesel Of Blake Farms
Jupiter Of Mitchell
Sansom Of Mitchell
Buddy Porter's Golden Glow
Princess Too
Stamers Golden Honey
Trevor Garland Martin
Baines Heavenly Faith
Cookie Cupid Sam
Sammy Of Sparta
Presnell's Prized Duke
Sandee Sasha
Cupid Ladena
Denum Of Maran-Atha
Lady Diana Bishop
Golden Star Hershy Cinnamon
Golden Star Big Rover
Jacobs Golden Ruger Pooh
Jacobs Golden Ladder VI
Rosie Pooh Blossom
Wilsons Daisy South
Maximilian Wilson
Dixie South
Golden Star Deluxe Amber
Starlight's Explorer
Duke Golden Miller
Ruby Golden Miller
Erb's Queenie The Starlight
Star Light's Pudgey [OFA GR-116022G55M-VPI]
Weavers Sadie

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