
Golden Retriever

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Stonewick's Lady Aria  (5/26/2020-)

Five generation pedigree:

Stonewick's Lady Aria
Clear Creaks Beauregard [OFA GR-128079F24M-PI]
Hfr's Yippee Ti Yi Yo Lil Doggie [OFA GR-104957G25M-VPI]
Can CH Woodcreek'Shundredacrefriend WCX [OFA GR-89302G27M-PI]
BIS AmCan CH. Allsgold Fyreglo First In Line JH [OFA GR-60674E24M-T]
Am Can CH Glendavis Goes To The Rodeo Can OS [OFA GR23528F24M-T]
Can CH Homestead's Quiereme Mucho OD [OFA GR-50573G24F-T]
Lady Constance Of Mae [OFA GR-65392F25F-T]
Chelsey Bear Gold Rush
Jenni's Golden Teddy Bear CGC [OFA GR-57304E30F]
Hfr's Adelle In Autumn Grasses [OFA GR-97473G24F-VPI]
Eolahills Reggies-A-Star [OFA GR-85466G24M-PI]
Mr Sunshine's Foolin Around
Chantelle Eis Lace [OFA GR-69850F33F-T]
Lady Bailey Of Oak Grove [OFA GR-90798G27F-NOPI]
Sir Maxwell Of Oak Grove [OFA GR-58030G24M-T]
Lady Madaline Marie [OFA GR-74035G27F-NOPI]
Kopp's Honey Girl
Mr Longfellow Deeds
Sir Lucas Of Yankee Fork
Lady Darcie Of Yankee Fork
Starrgazer Lilly
Gunner Legg
Maddie Legg
Daisy Sabben
Int'l CH Doubletakes Island Of Java [OFA GR-109440E25M-VPI]
Am/Can/Int'l/Vet Ch Valor's No Biz Like Show Biz BOSS MVBIS [OFA GR-82718G25M-PI]
IntCH DoubleTake's Sailin Ta England CCA CGC [OFA GR-96540G36F-NOPI]
Marshall Hill's September Sky [OFA GR-107186G26F-VPI]
Mtn. View's Stars And Stripes
Penny-Annie Of Marshall Hills [OFA GR-97165E30F-VPI]
Clear Creeks Lilly Of The Valley
Sir William Of Council House [OFA GR-109995G27M-VPI]
Gold-Rush The Sun King [OFA GR-95424G37M-VPI]
Am/Can Ch Gold-Rush Spencer Tracy [OFA GR-83163G24M-PI]
Am./Can. CH. Gold-Rush Matt Dillon [OFA GR-59237G24M-T]
Gold-Rush Pelcorp Wendy [OFA GR-70300G30F-T]
Briggs' Goldrush First Lady [OFA GR-84073G28F-PI]
BISS AM CH Sunbeam's Private Party OS [OFA GR-78621G40M-PI]
CH Gingerbread Lucky Lady [OFA GR-68118G27F-T]
Marvelous Misty Of Solid Rock
Snowy River Bear [OFA GR-95541G28M-VPI]
Talk-Of-The-Town De Champernoune [OFA GR-88279G43M-PI]
Mountain Countrys White Crystal [OFA GR-88681E24F-PI]
Tara Mediguard [OFA GR-95426G43F-VPI]
RCH Cum Laude, RCH, MOCH, JCH Ordoghegyi-Berni Harrys Derby winner, 2xChamp.of Champ. [ Free]
Ersekkerti Arany Cintia
Buckaroos Bella Boo [OFA GR-120683G31F-VPI]
Chloes Bonfire Buckaroo
Maple Chase Of Rock Creek
Maple Leaf's Buckaroo Bonzi
Pete Rose Of Rock Creek
Heidi Ho Sunkissed Tessa
Ch Sunkisd Dealer's Choice CD CGC [OFA GR-61420F32M-T]
Big Sky Ruby MTN Heidi Ho [OFA GR-73609G30F-NOPI]
BJ's Tanacetum Cutieform
Dakota Buddy II
Trooper Dakota Gold
Penny Dakota Rose
Cuddly Tee Bear
Seranade's Cuddly Bear
Teela V

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