K9data.comLabrador Retriever

Hanrebor Gemini  (4/18/2021-)

The number listed in green after each dog's name is its approximate age at time of death. If no number is listed, the dog may be still living, or the information is missing from the database.

Five generation pedigree:

Hanrebor Gemini
FTW & OFTAW Hanrebor Jack Snipe
Hanrebor Black Jack
FTAW Hanrebor Blackcap
FTW Harmston Harrier at Hanrebor
Haverholme Park Crusader
Delph Dabbler
Levenghyl Hooker
FTCh Levenghyl Peacock
FTCh Shadowbrae Mist of Levenghyl
Cheweky Feta
FTCh Ellijas Danny
GB FTCh Kenmillto Remus
FTW Hillus Widgeon
Thresfield Tracy
FTCh Greenbriar Viper of Drakeshead
Broadlaw Nora
Arkglas Pru
FTCh Arkglas Taylor [10.5 years]
FTCh Eastdale Harry [12 years]
FTCh Greenbriar Viper of Drakeshead
FTW Daughting Dulcie of Eastdale
Fennel of Fern
FTCh Tweedshot Maximus of Blackharn
Conneywarren Angie
Millsey Tamsin
OFTW Jobeshill Valfrid of Avonford [14.5 years]
NORD JCH FTCH Tasco Brimstone [8.5 years]
FTW Collaroybanks Willow
Delfleet Typhoon
FTCh Adoraden Quinn [12 years]
Delfleet Kittiwake
Teeshot Moonshine
FTCh Drakeshead Vodka
FTCh Dipplelodge Raven of Riversway
FTCh Endacott Soames of Riversway
FTCh Glenbriar Solo
FTW Endacott Spindle
FTW Dolbrenin Sian
FTCh Pocklea Remus [13.5 years]
Cadover Della
FTCh Levenghyl Silvercloud Of Drakeshead
FTCh Pocklea Adder
FTCh Pocklea Remus [13.5 years]
FTCh Pocklea Nettle
FTCh Glenpatrick Eve [14.5 years]
FTCh Garendon Captain
FTCh Glenpatrick Halo
Delfleet Star Shine
FTCh Mediterian Blue [13 years]
FTCh Endacott Shelf
FTCh Glenbriar Solo
FTW Endacott Spindle
FTW Drakeshead Evie
FTCh Millbuies Magnum of Drakeshead
Rigangower Amy of Drakeshead
Delfleet Kittiwake
FTW Delfleet Garlic
FTCh Lafayette Tolley
Stitchwood Rapier
Delfleet Dawn Flush
FTW Fintan Thor of Westernash
Delfleet Golden Glory

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