
Golden Retriever

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Aust Ch. Glenaic Reason To Rumember (Imp NZ) JC  (11/8/2022-)

The number listed in green after each dog's name is its approximate age at time of death. If no number is listed, the dog may be still living, or the information is missing from the database.

Five generation pedigree:

Aust Ch. Glenaic Reason To Rumember (Imp NZ) JC
Glenaic Never Bring Me Down
NZ CH Wysiwyg Dont Steal My Sunshine [6 years]
Savaneta Prince Of Thieves (AI)
BISS Am-Can Ch. Nitro's Boy Wonder OS SDHF CGC TDI [12 years]
BISS Am. Ch. Faera's Starlight OS
Am./Can. CH. Nitro's Blaze of Glory CGC TDI [12 years]
Snowtree's Simply Magic [8 years]
Can Ch Sandspur Snowtree's Spellmakr
Am CH Snowtree's Simply Capricious
Aust. Ch. Wysiwyg Two Can Play That Game [11.5 years]
Aust Ch Wysiwyg Play It Again [12 years]
RBIS Aust./ Can./UKC Ch Camelot Quapaw's To Oz & Back CCA [13.5 years]
Aust. Ch. Wysiwyg Just Push Play
Aust Ch Wysiwyg French X'n IntheUSA
RBIS Aust./ Can./UKC Ch Camelot Quapaw's To Oz & Back CCA [13.5 years]
Aust. Ch Wysiwyg Soir De Paris
NZ CH Wysiwyg Down Memory Lane
AmCH CanGCH Aust. Sup. Ch. Nautilus Great Barrier Reef @ Online JH [9 years]
BISS GCHB CH Nautilus Timber TKN OS [9.5 years]
Ch Cressida Going the Distance OS [13 years]
Am GCH CH Nautilus Sierra Diamonds
Nautilus Queen Of The Jungle OD
Am GCH CH Nautilus Aljendro OS
Nautilus Gypsys Tramps And Theives
Aust. Ch. Wysiwyg She's Got The Look
Multi BIS Aust Supreme Ch Wysiwyg Livnthe American Dream
Aust Ch. Ob Ch. Chipala American Dream Boy (AI) CCD UD [6 years]
Aust. Ch. Wysiwyg Cant Stop The Music
Aust. Ch. Wysiwyg Two Can Play That Game [11.5 years]
Aust Ch Wysiwyg Play It Again [12 years]
Aust Ch Wysiwyg French X'n IntheUSA
Glenaic Hush Hush
NZ GR CH Glenaic The Point Is RN
NZ SPR Ch & SPL GR CH Sandlewood Take A Bow (AI)
MBISS Aust Ch Fantango Backstage Pass
Dewmist Silversong
MBISS Aust. Ch. Fantango Centre Stage
MBISS NZ CH Sandlewood ivy's A Gamble (AI)
Ch Sandlewood Gamble With Gold
Ch Kavandale Angel Eyes
Glenaic Straight To The Point
NZ CH Wysiwyg Dont Steal My Sunshine [6 years]
Savaneta Prince Of Thieves (AI)
Aust. Ch. Wysiwyg Two Can Play That Game [11.5 years]
Glenaic On The Road Again
Goldkoru Magical Master [10 years]
Goldkoru Revenge Takes Thyme
Glenaic On The Road Again
Goldkoru Magical Master [10 years]
NZ & Aust Ch Glenaic Jackson's Gold
Aust/NZ Ch Dykinta Grand Slam
NZ Ch Winterlea Miss Brittany
NZ Ch Winterlea Cast A Spell
NZ CH Glentreve Frozen Asset
NZ Ch Shannongold Fantasia
Goldkoru Revenge Takes Thyme
Aust Ch Dykinta Restoring Gold
NZ & Aust Ch Glenaic Jackson's Gold
Dykinta Undercover
NZCh Glenaic Sweet As
Aust/NZ Ch Dykinta Grand Slam
Glenaic Lily O' The Valley

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