
Golden Retriever

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Halcyon What the Shuck  (6/29/2022-)

Five generation pedigree:

Halcyon What the Shuck
UKC CH Oliver Nomi Kin
С.I.E., JCh UA, Junior Grand ChUA RUS PEKOS KOLOMBO 3хСhUA, Ch of Macedonia,Ch of Moldova, BBB in Ukraine
C.I.E., C.I.B., CH CZ, SK, PL, RO Nenuoramos Lord Wizard
CIE,BALT,PL,FIN,NO,DK,RUS,LTClub Ch Milbu Twister to Nenuoramos LT Club W'12'15,LVW'13,NordW'13,BaltW'14,ESTW'19
FIN CH Sandusky Alain Prost
LVJ & LV CH Milbu Greta Grietina
LT LV JCh Majik As You Were
Fin JW-04 Festival's San Domingo
Majik Nellie Melba
JCH RUS/CLUB, CH RUS/CLUB Rus Pekos Umka Beliy Mishka
JChRus, JCh NRC,ChRus,ChNRC,ChRKF,CACIB Bungee Jumping of the Famous Family
CH RUS/CLUB Shamrock Vivienne Westwood
JCH.KAZ/CLUB/RUS,CH RUS/CLUB,GRAND CH Rus Have the Talent Brdske Zlato
I Get A Kick Out Of You Av Vervik
CZ Working CH Energy for Fun Brdsk? zlato
Ch Ukraine Zaureks Valday
JCh Russia Cent na Udachu s Gostinogo Dvora
JEW'06 , INT CH, RUS/EE/FIN CH, RUS JCH Ambergold GK Keep Cool
Ch Russia, Ch RKF Roksana s Gostinogo Dvora
Deniza s Gostinogo Dvora
IntCh, GrChRus, ChGer, Rus, RKF, NRC, VDH, JChRu Fine Art Rudgieri Emperor
CH RUS / Club Winner / CH RKF Slav Trophy Bonanza
Lourdes Tender Love
Ukraine Champion Bernard from Todes
C.I.E.,C.I.B.,JCh UA,MOL,BG,MAC,RUS, SuperGrChUA Todes iz Sokolinogo Gnezda Ch MOL,UA,BIR,BG,RUS,MAC,GrCh BIR, BG, MOL, RUS
BIYA (daughter of Lukki Dneprovsky)
MultCh, GrChUa, Bul, ChUa,Mol,Rus,Bye,Bul,Mak,Bal Armald Zolotoe Chudo Zorro JChMol, Bye, Rus
Lukki Dneprovsky
Diamond Sanitacteam Day
SRB/MNE/MAK El Magnifico Sanitacteam Day
RoJCh, RoCH, SrbCH Moondust Highlander
EW'15, Multi Ch. Majik Truth Or Dare NL/D/VDH/LUX/INT/SE/DK BDSG '10, Am.Winner '10
C.I.E. , SE/DK/LT/LV/EE/BAL CH, NL VCH Majik Finders Keepers DKW-11
Majik Vissi D'Arte
Broadway of The Morning Valley
Eng Sh Ch Ritzilyn Brandon JW
Ger Jr Ch, Moondust Highland's Heritage
SRB/Field Trial Fiveshill Gabriela
Utopia de Alaria
C.I.E , SPA/PT/GBZ CH Zampanzar Step By Step
Snow Ball de Alaria
Cheek to Cheek Very Merry Berry
Dts.Vdh. CH Dewmist Satellite Belgian Winner '03
French.Int.Ch. Trialer Siatham Roxelana
WT Dyana Sanitacteam Day
InterMultiCh.Srb. Simonis Dunny Dean
ICH, Multi CH, Nat.Work.Ch Erinderry King Of The Blues Working Test - 2xCACT
Goldmarker Blue Rhine JW Sh CM 4 RCC's
Erinderry Gaelic Breeze
ChYu Astra of the Cedar Tree Star
JCh Sansue Hi'Land Storm
Int.Hr.CH A Friend Of Wind Bubbles
ChMNE Norrybell Sanitacteam Day
International, Slovenian, Croatian Champion Xanthos Blaze Of Glory Club Junior winner
Eng. Ch. Xanthos Tom Foolery JW SGWC
German Ch Xanthos Lah Di Dah SGWC
Ch.Srb Splendid Star Trixie
Little Violet's Over The Ocean
Splendid Star Kitty Girl

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