K9data.comLabrador Retriever

Family Affair Treasure of Delight

The number listed in green after each dog's name is its approximate age at time of death. If no number is listed, the dog may be still living, or the information is missing from the database.

Five generation pedigree:

Family Affair Treasure of Delight
Fairytale Labrados Heavenly Pieces Don Vito
Wild Heartbreakers Flashpoint Chocolate Lewis
El-Greco vom Schlos Thurn
Elien Sun in Their Eyes
SK Grand CH Samson du Taillis Madame
Yes Kibo-Kirongo Zandalle
Capronca Extra
CH PL SK Mallorn's Chocomania [11.5 years]
Whisky Dzemojady
Silver Moonlight's Chocolate X-It Summer
Silver Moonlight's Very Nice Vaya Con Dios
Topdawg's Shooting Star Maico
Silver Moonlight's Hadda
Silver Moonlight's Yellow Dnight of Zipper
Ch Dnight of Brownbank Cottage
Silver Moonlight's Crazy Emotion Girl
Cosma Shiva from the miracle country
Silver Moonlight's Baltfire of Love Denver
Silver Moonlight's Very Nice Vaya Con Dios
Topdawg's Shooting Star Maico
Silver Moonlight's Hadda
Silver Moonlight's Yellow Dnight of Zipper
Ch Dnight of Brownbank Cottage
Silver Moonlight's Crazy Emotion Girl
Silver Moonlight's Black Treasure Tessa
Fogel Hlara Asgarn Over The Ocean
Foulby Huckleberry Finn
Fogel Hlara Francis
Silver Moonlight's Crazy Emotion Girl
Wimberway's Rebel Snowdancer
Pink Lady od Himalajskeho cedru
Once in a Lifetime Fairytale's Leilani
Felix von der Niersaue
Mingan's Chocolate Charly
Sea-Birds Knock on my Door
GB Sh Ch Naiken Way Out West JW [11 years]
SE U(U)CH Sea-Birds Billion Dollar Baby
Brown Choco of Amberfriends
Bubbling Simply the Best
Desiré of Amberfriends
Edith Best of Discovery
Ch O'Brian Best of Discovery JW
CH PL SK Mallorn's Chocomania [11.5 years]
Cameswon Agreed on Everything
Grazia Best of Discovery
Fishermans Friend Canyonrose
Once in a Lifetime April Sky
Yukon Bella Mare
Pl Ch Yunwu Shan Herbu Zadora
Nimloth Logan At Herbu Zadora
Zebu Zadziora Herbu Zadora
Donna Karen Bella Mare
Iverness Herbu Zadora
Uppy Yellow de L'Erette
Donna the Golden Can [11.5 years]
Limbo the Golden Can
Zacharias from Wazerer Park
Tami the Golden Can
Kathleen the Golden Can
Banjer (NHSB 2266315)
Joy the Golden Can

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