Labrador Retriever
Squirrel Run Dividend (11/23/1951-)
Five generation pedigree:
Squirrel Run Dividend
Squirrel Run Ares
Squirrel Run Jove
Am.Ch. Squirrel Run Jack
Squirrel Run Raven
UKCh/AmCh Towyriver James
Am.Ch. Dinah of Tibshelf
Hawlmark Salute
GB.Ch. Ingleston Ben Ft.W.
Ketton Vice
Am.Ch. Squirrel Run Juba
UKCh/AmCh Towyriver James
Ch Banchory Bolo's Trust
Towyriver Bramble
Am.Ch. Hawlmark Caress
Sandringham Stow
FELICITY (Hawkesbury Josser x Cinders)
Friend's Choice of Sandylands
Keewatin Big Ben
Ch Poppleton Black Lancer
Haylers Danilo
Hawlmark Twilight
Thorpe of Redcliff
Peter of Chanterlands
Edwina (Platinum Ponto x Blue Charm)
Trixie of Keewatin
Ch Poppleton Black Lancer
Haylers Danilo
Hawlmark Twilight
Lonesome Lass
Platignum Ponto (Ponty)
Black Spray
Ranee of Holmebay
IrlCh Prince of Mountpanther
IrlCh Black Prince of Marlu
Blacksmith of Toye
Amber Seal (Defiant x Queen of Lisnaw)
Pride of Rathcunningham
Hannah Holdsworth
Vainona Victor
Withcall Zana
IrlCh Lady of Ballyholme
Rathgorman Nigger
FTCh Glenravel Nimrod
Moorhill Windover
Empire Countess
Bippo Boy
Stella of Holmebay
Karyhill Bingo
Pete of Ballyhoe
Castlemore Bobson
Trabolgan Susan
Ch/IrlCh Toddy of Hepmangrove
Alby One
Sheila of Glencorse
Girl Painter
DualCh Banchory Painter (prev. L'ile Buster Bill)
Liddly Lilac
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