
Golden Retriever

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Wysiwyg LetsBlend ThNiteTgethr  (5/29/2023-)

The number listed in green after each dog's name is its approximate age at time of death. If no number is listed, the dog may be still living, or the information is missing from the database.

Five generation pedigree:

Wysiwyg LetsBlend ThNiteTgethr
Aust Ch. Wysiwyg Black To Square One
Multi BIS Sup Ch Wysiwyg Not a Moment Too Moon
AmCH CanGCH Aust. Sup. Ch. Nautilus Great Barrier Reef @ Online JH [9 years]
BISS GCHB CH Nautilus Timber TKN OS [9.5 years]
Ch Cressida Going the Distance OS [13 years]
Am GCH CH Nautilus Sierra Diamonds
Nautilus Queen Of The Jungle OD
Am GCH CH Nautilus Aljendro OS
Nautilus Gypsys Tramps And Theives
Aust Ch. Wysiwyg First Time In Forever
BIS Aust. Supreme Ch./Am./Can. Ch. Edgecombe's Wysiwyg Chaos Bound For Botany Bay [4 years]
BIS BISS Am GCH Rush Hill Run'n Amuck at Abelard OA OAJ AXP AJP NFP WC VCX SDHF OS [12 years]
GCH CH Edgecombe's Bay Brynne
Aust. Ch. Wysiwyg Two Can Play That Game [11.5 years]
Aust Ch Wysiwyg Play It Again [12 years]
Aust Ch Wysiwyg French X'n IntheUSA
Aust Ch. Topgeer Retail Therapy
AmCH CanGCH Aust. Sup. Ch. Nautilus Great Barrier Reef @ Online JH [9 years]
BISS GCHB CH Nautilus Timber TKN OS [9.5 years]
Ch Cressida Going the Distance OS [13 years]
Am GCH CH Nautilus Sierra Diamonds
Nautilus Queen Of The Jungle OD
Am GCH CH Nautilus Aljendro OS
Nautilus Gypsys Tramps And Theives
Topgeer I Need A Hammer
BIS Aust. Supreme Ch./Am./Can. Ch. Edgecombe's Wysiwyg Chaos Bound For Botany Bay [4 years]
BIS BISS Am GCH Rush Hill Run'n Amuck at Abelard OA OAJ AXP AJP NFP WC VCX SDHF OS [12 years]
GCH CH Edgecombe's Bay Brynne
Wysiwyg Right Here Right Now
Wysiwyg Who's On First
Aust. Ch. Wysiwyg She's Got The Look
Aust Ch Asuare Ever So Romantic
Mne J Ch / Ser J Ch Golden Romance Dutch Storm
Int Sh Ch, Dutch / Danish / German/ VDH Champion Noah of the Hellacious Acres Ejgs'12, NJK, DJK, VHD
Belg Sh Ch, VDH Ch, Su(u)Ch, Lux JCh. Dewmist Servantes Belgian Topwinning golden 2008 [13 years]
SU(U)CH NORDV-03 NUCH, VWW-08 Erinderry Gaelic Minstrel [13 years]
Vice-WW'03, ChSwe, Den, Pl, Lv Dewmist Shaquille LvW'07
Nl., German Ch. Philomena of the Hellacious Acres
International, French, Luxembourg Ch. Taram du Bois de la Rayere [10.5 years]
International Sh Ch / Dutch / German / VDH / Danish Ch. Ramchaine Green Glitter [14.5 years]
Int. CH Ser.JCh. Mac.JCh. Ser.Ch. Mne.Ch. Mol.Ch. Golden Romance Star Light
IntCh,SerCH, Club Winner '08,'09 Swanavly Nordic Sun [11 years]
NUCH Siatham Raynor [11.5 years]
Int.Ch & Yu.Ch.CruftsQual for Life Swanavly San Simone Club Winner Best Bitch2004 [14 years]
Int.Sh.Ch.SerCh.CroCh.Gr.Ch.Mac.Ch.Mne.Ch.Bg.Ch.SerJCh. MakJCh. Silver Passion A Memory of Love Ger.V.Club.Ch.Hu.VCh
Int. Sh. Ch , Int. Ch , Lux/Dk/Dt-VDH/Swiss/Fr. Ch Ashbury Angel Heart [12.5 years]
Swanavly Silver Jenny [14 years]
Aust Ch Kaparla Give and Take
MBIS/MRUBIS Supreme Ch Kaparla Game Plan
MBISS Aust Sup. Ch Fantango Playing The Game (AI)
INT/SPA/PT/DK/GBZ/SWE/NOR CH, PT GR CH, GBZ JCH. Mad About You de Ria Vela CC & BOS at Crufts 2013, LW'11'12, OW'13, NW'12
MBISS Aust. Ch Fantango Playing The Field
Aust Ch Kaparla On A Mission
MBISS Aust Ch Giltedge Blackwatch [11 years]
Chaleur Wearing Prada
Aust Ch Kaparla Take Your Time
MBIS/MRUBIS Aust Supreme Ch Kaparla Formula One (AI)
SU (u) Ch Floprym Rivaldo [10 years]
Aust Ch Kaparla Rhythm Omy Heart
Kaparla Gosh I'm Posh
Int. Ch. Xanthos Mondriaan SGWC CCA [9.5 years]
Kaparla Raise the Bar

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