Alvin Snowy Owl | JCH UA, LV, MD, 3xCH UA D'Argento Angelo Nuga | ChLt, Lv, Est, Pol, Balt Cheer's Evergate Garden JChLt, Lv, Est, Pol, Balt | | Armane Nuga | CIE,BALT,PL,FIN,NO,DK,RUS,LTClub Ch Milbu Twister to Nenuoramos LT Club W'12'15,LVW'13,NordW'13,BaltW'14,ESTW'19 [13 years] | | Marateja Nuga 2xJW | INTER & MULTI CH & MULTI JCH & BALT W?08 Nenuoramos Tonitto [12 years] | Int,N,Fin, Balt,Ltu, Est,Lv Ch SU(u)Ch Est JCh Fairfield Fireminstrel Est JW-05, LtuW-07 | CIE,CIB,LT-LV-EE-BALT-RUS-BY-PL CH, LT-LV JCH Nenuoramos Yellow Jamaica 7 CACIB, TOP Dog in Lithuania of All breeds'15, TOP Golden2015 [9.5 years] |
| LT V CH Kasiopeja Selene | |
| Clear Trail Abigail-Star | MultCh, ChUA, ChMOL, ChBYE, ChRUS, JChUa Big Boss of the Famous Family | | VICTORIA'S SECRET VIGOROSA NOBLE | WW`06, Dt JCh, Nl. & Dt. & Lux & Pl Ch Moondust Masterpiece Clubsieger 2005 & 2006 [11.5 years] | | MultCh, GrChBul, ChBul, Ua, Bye, Mol, Mak, Bal Victoria's Secret Rococo | IntCh, GrChRus, ChRus, Bye, RKF, NRC Rossmix No Secrets [13 years] | | MultCh, GrChUa, ChUa, ChRus, ChBye, ChMol Kertis (UA.UKU.003987/02) | |