
Golden Retriever

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Oakcreek's Hillsboro Sally  (11/27/1947-)

Five generation pedigree:

Oakcreek's Hillsboro Sally
Toby of Yelme OS
Gilick of Yelme
Gilder (KCSB 2017LL)
Eng. CH. Sundawn Dancer
Eng. CH. Cubbington Diver
Amber Dimple
Sundawn Dainty
Eng. CH. Diver Of Woolley
Sundawn Susie (unregistered)
Quick of Yelme
Buffworth (Anningsley Sunlight x Culnoran Bess)
Anningsley Sunlight
Culnoran Bess
Eastlane Belle
Master Jap
Amber Blush
Sunar (daughter of Stubbings Golden Quietude)
Stubbings Golden Jacobite
Eng. CH. Birling James Of Somersby < Birling James
Heydown Gurth
Scraggs (Manderston Snap x Rosette)
Stubbings Golden Gem
Eng. FT. CH. Anningsley Crakers
Stubbings Lorelei
Stubbings Golden Quietude
Stubbings Golden Nimbus
Eng. CH. Birling James Of Somersby < Birling James
Lady Bounce Of Sialkote
Stubbings Golden Vampire
Stubbings Golden Glitter
Stubbings Golden Belle < Belle Of Mountclogg
Beavertail Sandy (A923392)
Beavertail Goldstrike
Speedwell Reuben
Speedwell Nimrod
Snettisham Gipsy/Gypsy> Speedwell Lola
Am. CH. Speedwell Tango OD
Corney of Rivey
Sheena of Ricketts
Am. CH. Rockhaven Glory ** DDHF
Can. CH. Rockhaven Rust
Am./Can. CH. Speedwell Pluto SDHF OS
Chiltington Light
Can. CH. Rockhaven Carole
Am./Can. CH. Speedwell Pluto SDHF OS
Am./Can. CH. Wilderness Tangerine
Beavertail Iris
Am. CH. Beavertail Butch
Am. CH. Rockhaven Rory SDHF OS
Am./Can. CH. Speedwell Pluto SDHF OS
Can. CH. Rockhaven Amber
Am. CH. Rockhaven Glory ** DDHF
Can. CH. Rockhaven Rust
Can. CH. Rockhaven Carole
Beavertail Ding
Am. CH. Rockhaven Moonshine ** DDHF
Am./Can. CH. Speedwell Pluto SDHF OS
Can. CH. Rockhaven Lempi
Rockhaven Noel Lady
Am./Can. CH. Speedwell Pluto SDHF OS
Am./Can. CH. Wilderness Tangerine

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