K9data.comLabrador Retriever

Cane Creek's Fresh Squeezed MH  (1/13/2021-)

Five generation pedigree:

Cane Creek's Fresh Squeezed MH
CH Hiddensprings Representative Claybar MH [OFA LR-229345G25M-VPI]
CH, Can CH, HRCH B and M Meinhold Col. Hawker MH, WC, CGC, RN [OFA LR-200450G25M-VPI]
AM Ch Cedarwood Flt of the Phoenix [OFA Good]
AmCH Langshott Gale Force From Kimvalley [OFA LR-95376G27M-T]
Eng SH CH Sandylands Gad-About [BVA 3/7]
Kimvalley Follow On To Langshott [BVA 13:6]
Cedarwood IvyHill Absolut [OFA Good]
Am/Can CH Cedarwood's Master Gunner WC [OFA LR-48424G24M]
Can CH Cedarwood's Regal Performance
Skyfire Brush and Marsh Raven [OFA Excellent]
Skyfire's Dangerous Company [OFA LR-154330G25M-PI]
Am BISS CH Weathertop El Nino [OFA LR-101864G25M-T]
Skyfire's On The Line [OFA LR-123583G27F-PI]
Skyfires Totally Blonde [OFA Good]
BISS Am CH Dickendall Davaron Gable [OFA LR-125197G25M-PI]
Skyfire's Nipntuck Havin' A Ball [OFA LR-127735G31F-PI]
Bidwell To Hiddensprings Blue Nova MH [OFA Good]
AmCH GCH Hidden Springs Blue Goose RN MH [OFA LR-170953G25M-PI]
Am. CH HRCH UH Waterbound Locke On Laddy MH WCX [OFA LR-118290E24M-PI]
Waterbound Thibedeaux [OFA LR-94888G26M-T]
Shannon's Alacazam [OFA LR-77241G24F-T]
Hiddenspring Verykerry Bonni MH [OFA LR-139366G25F-PI ]
AmCH Franklin's Pickpocket For Kerrybrook MH [OFA LR-85294G24M-T]
Cherry Oaks Macys Got it All MH [OFA LR-112628G39F-PI]
CH Hollyhill Password To Bidwell MH [OFA Good]
AM Ch. Visions Cain's Mutiny [OFA LR-139248G25M-PI]
AmCH Sounder's Hear Me Roar [OFA LR-99991G27M-T]
AmCH Kelleygreens Amazing Grace [OFA LR-99502E24F]
BISS CH Hollyhill's Wheel of Fortune JH CGC [OFA Excellent]
BISS AmCh, Int.Ch,NL/Lux.Ch. Raintree Slippery When Wet JH [OFA LR-64487G26M-T]
CH Hollyhill's Unsinkable Molly WC [OFA Good]
Touchdown Cutty SH [OFA LR-249263E38F-PI]
AmCH Nipntuck Rumrunner [OFA LR-211440G25M-VPI]
MBISS GCH Can CH Cedarwoods Signature Browning Copied WC JH [OFA LR-189352G24M-VPI]
BISS AmCH Wilcare Leisure Suit Larry JH WC [OFA LR-167644G24M-PI Good]
BISS AmCH Lubberline Pumpernickle [OFA LR-150547G24M-PI]
AmCH Willcare's Godiva JH [OFA LR-134888G31F-PI]
CanCh Cedarwood Almond Roca Divine [OFA LR-165905E26F-PI]
Liberty's Broad Ridge TDI [OFA LR-142578G24M-PI]
Cedarwood Jamin Jasmine [OFA Good]
MBIS AmGCH Nipntuck Outlaw [OFA LR-198648G26F-VPI]
Nipntuck One Bad Apple
USA-GRAND-/CIE/Nl./LCD-/Lux./VDH-/LCD-Vet.-CH Big Sky's Heaven Scent from Trinity [OFA LR-182221G25M-VPI]
Am CH Nipntuck Miss American Pie [OFA LR-150042G41F-PI]
Nipntuck Boot Scootin' [OFA Fair]
MBISS AmGCH Sure Shot Hyspire Impressive WC [OFA LR-145743G24M-PI]
AmCH Blackwaters Nipntuck Cheerleader [OFA LR-137934G26F-PI Good]
Millie Best Of Discovery [ A]
JCh.SK.CH.SK.GRAND CH.SK Mallorn's Rogue's Gallery CH.HU.GRAND CH.HU.AUST.CH.BO.CH. [ A/A ]
Mallorn's Romeo [ A/A]
AM CH Visions I'm Able [OFA LR-161140G54M-PI]
Rosanan La Rosa [ B/A]
CH.FIN/RUS/BALT, INT.FW Mallorn's Terracotta [ A/A ]
INT CH NO CH SE CH WVW'08 SV'01'07'08 NV'06 Tjotte's Broken Arrow [ A/A ]
Mallorn's MMM Marabou [ B/A ]
Mallorn's Sea Shell [ A]
SE U(U)CH NO UCH Tjotte's Lover Under Cover [ A]
BISS AmCH Lubberline Pumpernickle [OFA LR-150547G24M-PI]
SE U(U)CH Tjotte's New Years Cheers [ A/A]
Mallorn's Sea Holly [ A]
AmCH Hightide Bona Venture Cap'n Jack [OFA LR-139145G24M-PI]
Mallorn's Cafe au Lait [FCI A/A]

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