
Golden Retriever

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Artharjem Crawley  (3/12/2024-)

Five generation pedigree:

Artharjem Crawley
Boekelo Easy Peezy at Cuckmere [ 3:3]
It/Int Sh Ch. Olvinglay To The Moon And Back [FCI A]
JWW-15, IT.CH, C.I.E, JR. IT CH,TOP DOG 2016,JR. TOP DOG 2015 Verano de Atrapasuenos [ A]
Eng Sh Ch Fenwood Ell Masterpiece at Bluewaters JW [BVA 7-7]
Eng.Sh.Ch. , Lux. Ch. Zampanzar Say It Again Shardanell JW [BVA 5-5]
Eng Sh Ch. Ramchaine Green Glow By Fenwood JW [ BVA 3:3]
SPA JCH Zelda de Atrapasue?os [ A (AVEPA)]
JWW'11, SPA CH Kowalski Claudio [ A (AVEPA)]
Macu de Atrapasue?os [BVA 3:4]
It, Int, UK Sh.Ch. Primavera In Anticipo Della Val d'Aveto [FCI B]
Belgium Ch, Dutch Ch, Dutch JCH House Calls v.d. Beerse Hoeve [FCI A]
MBISS Aust Ch Larbellah Team Leader [ 1:2]
Dutch Ch, German Ch, VDH Ch. Gargamella v.d. Beerse Hoeve Junior World Ch 08 Dutch-,Lux Junior Ch. [ BVA 3:5]
C.I.E. , IT/HR/SWI CH Don't Cry For Me Argentina [FCI A]
It JCh, It Ch, Int Ch. Double Willow Dragon Fly [BVA 3:4]
It. Ch, C.I.E. Double Willow Rossina Dell'Aveto [FCI B]
Boekelo Matilda [ 4;4]
UK Champion and It. Ch. Xanthos Ferrari JW [ 5:4]
JWW' 10 IT. CH.- HR CH. - FR. CH. Pinkerly Valmont [ BVA 5;4]
Italian CH. Pinkerly Point Break [ 7:7 BVA]
IT./INT/LUX./Austrian/HR/Slo CH. Da Ya Think I'm Sexy? [ 3:3 BVA]
Xanthos Firenze JW [ 3:3]
Int. Ch. Xanthos Mondriaan SGWC CCA [BVA 3:3 (2009)]
Italian /Int /Lux/ Switz/Austrian/HR/Slo/RSM CH Pinkerly Kuala Lumpur [ 3:4 BVA]
Boekelo Butter Fingers [ 3;6]
Xanthos Voltar [ 5:7]
Dutch Junior CH. Batteries Included v.d. Beerse Hoeve Junior Winner A'dam 09 [BVA 3:3]
German Ch, VDH Ch. Sandwich v.d. Beerse Hoeve Europasiegerin 2006 [ BVA 5:5]
Boekelo Spook Hill [ 7:3]
UK Ch Xanthos Espionage JW [BVA 6:3]
Boekelo Cream Caramel
Whetu Pohukawa Starlight [ 4:4]
Xanthos Futterwacken JW [BVA 3:3 / A/A ( FCI) ]
DE Ch, DK UCh, NL Ch. Dutch Consolidation Spy vs Spy [Unknown A]
MBISS RuBISS Aust Ch. Goldew Southern Son [ 1:1]
BISS RUBISS & ABBIS Aust Ch. Larbellah Take The Lead [ 2:2]
Aust Ch. Goldew Jubilation [ 3:1]
JCh, NL Ch. Dutch Consolidation Nothing Else
ENG SH CH. Putjade Pajazzo [BVA 9:15]
ENG SH CH, NL/LUX/DE/VDH CH. Dutch Consolidation Galaxy JW '11, W'11 [FCI A]
Desiderio Paso Doble [ 3:4]
Slo Ch Xanthos Bullet Proof JW, SGWC [ 3:4]
CAN GCH. Feli Fey Flying Dutchman JW SGWC [OFA GR-119729G54M-VPI / BVA 5/5]
Eng Ch. Xanthos Givenchy JW [ 4:4]
Qumaara Pussy Galore [ 2:2]
UK Champion and It. Ch. Xanthos Ferrari JW [ 5:4]
Qumaara Miss Moneypenny [ 5:4]
Whetu Spirit of Starlight [ 2:2]
Reedlands Davey Nimrod [ 3:4]
Canaleigh Hot Gospel JW [BVA 6 -6]
Steval Soul Singer [ 7:8]
Canaleigh Indian Summer [ 5:5]
Reedlands Jubilie Elegance [ 4:4]
Canina Royale Request [ BVA 6:6]
Reedlands Galaxy Jumper [ 5:6]
Moonbeam Starlight [ 5:5]
Sunday Stew [BVA 2:3]
Tenfield Sea Biscuit SGWC [ BVA 5:5]
Suholschelle Tofi [BVA 6:3]
Bethoria Gabbana [ 4:6]
Pandreft Playing The Game [ Hip score: 6:5]
Kenmillto Sunbeam [ 3:3]

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