Labrador Retriever
Zinfndel's Baby Boomer (12/26/2021-)
Five generation pedigree:
Zinfndel's Baby Boomer
CH Clearcreek Kickin' Up Dust
Am. CH. Clearcreek Bonaventure Dust In The Wind
Am.CH. Hyspire Maritime Everything You Always Wanted
MBISS AmGCH Sure Shot Hyspire Impressive WC
BISS Am CH Windfall's Pipe Major
Am CH Janrod's Tammy Whynot
AmCH Maritime Forecast Matilde
BISS CH Hyspire Hot To Trot RN JH
Maritime Hyspire No Doubt
Am/Can Eng SH CH ClearCreek Bonaventure Windjammer JH
AmCH Bonaventure's Clipper
AmCH Glengary Lubberline Schooner
Breezewood Glengary Windfall
Clearcreek Bonaventure Aspens Run
Am CH Lenches Teddy Bear
AmCH Bonaventure's Glory Bound
CH Clearcreek Chicka Chicka Boom Boom
MBISS Am Can CH Paradocs Tabatha's Caillou
BISS Am CH Tabatha's Sport WC
BISS Am CH Dickendall Davaron Gable
Am CH Tabatha's Giggle
Am CH Tabatha's Paradocs Kali
Am Can CH Tabatha's Knight CD JH CGC
BISS Am CH Tabatha's Frazzle
Clearcreek Bonaventure Corduroy
BISS CH Summerlin Call of Duty
Am GCH CH Figero Dafoz Herbu Zadora JH
Shahli Hyspire Some Like It Hot JH
Bonaventure Windfall Glory
BISS Am CH Windfall's Pipe Major
AmCH Bonaventure's Glory Bound
GCH Zinfndel Boom Boom Pow
BISS Am GCH CH Zinfndel Lengley's Big Papi
MBISS Am GCH CH Pol CH Dickendall Buckstone Three Dog Night
MBISS AmGCHB CanCH Saddlehill Late Knight Scramble WC
AmCH Shalane Fly By Knight
AmCH Saddlehill Don'T Be Late
Am CH Dickendall Princess Phoebe WC
BISS Am CH Dickendall Davaron Gable
Saddlebrooke's Lauralei
Lengleys Consider The Lillies Of Zinfndel
BISS AmCH Wit's End Jacks Or Better At Blackwing
Multi BISS AmCH Blackwing Superfine
Ch Wit's End Windfall Vegas Showgirl
Zinfndels Contessa Of Lengley
AM. CH. Bellwethers Thunderbird via Lobuff
AmCH Tabatha's Confection
BISS GCH Zinfndel Cirque Du Soleil
AmCH Zinfndel Brigham
AmCH Tullamore's Toblerone
MBISS AmGCH Sure Shot Hyspire Impressive WC
AmCH Tullamores Mikimoto
AmCH Tabatha's Confection
BISS Am CH Dickendall Davaron Gable
BVISS Tabatha's Confetti WC
Zinfndel Piccadilly Circus
BISS Am CH Tabatha's Sport WC
BISS Am CH Dickendall Davaron Gable
Am CH Tabatha's Giggle
BPISS AmCH Zinfndel's Circus-Circus
Tabatha's Brown Tuxedo
Tabatha's Hideway at Zinfndel
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