Alya Ginger Grace of Chatillon | Ch Sequins Smoothie | CH Morgan Freeman Anarchia Box | | Sequins Sabe | Dutch Ch Jerrabomberra v.d. Beerse Hoeve | | Mathilda of the Hellacious Acres | ICh, Fr.Ch, German, VDH, Lux. Ch, Lux. JCh Inassicas Coriander [14 years] | | Int, VDH, German, Swe, Lux, Dutch Ch. Martha of the Hellacious Acres | |
| Ginger Rogers of Golden Grace | Shamrock The Bangor's Prince | | Rock and Roses of Golden Grace | Hard Rock for Goldset des Fields de Ora | | HJCh, ROJCh. SRBJCh. Shamrock Guns and Roses | NLCh, NLVCh, rVWW Gunhills Dancing Dexter [13.5 years] | | IntCh. HCH. HRCH. Shamrock Diamond Symphony | Vice-WW'06, Swe Sh Ch, Norw Ch, Pl Ch, Lv Ch Dewmist Silkventure SweW-06-07-08-09, LvW-07 | EUVW'10, HCH, HSCH, HJCH, HVCH, HRVCH Dewmist Diamonds Are Forever |