Labrador Retriever
Villa Orrnasets Whitney Houston (12/22/2014-)
Five generation pedigree:
Villa Orrnasets Whitney Houston
CIE NOR ShCH, NOR CH Mallorn's Ring My Bell
Nl/Lux/De/IntCH Chablais Your Place or Mine
MBISS AmGCH/CH Big Sky's Stone Kutter
AmCH Paradocs Tabatha Stonehenge
BISS INT/AmCH Tabatha's Rollick At Carowby WC JH CD CGC
BISS AmCH Tabatha's Tassel
Big Sky's Sable
AmCH Empress Bigskys Blood And Guts
Tabatha's Token Talent WC
Am/CanCH Chablais Delorme Ziggy
CanCH Superbe Moka des Savanes
Am/Can CH Boothgate Chief Producer CanCD WC
Superbe Ombrelle des Savanes
CanCh Chablais Delorme Gipsy
Am/CanCH Venetian Blender De Chablais
Chablais Anna Brown
Mallorn's Ring Any Bells
Mallorn's Romeo
AM CH Visions I'm Able
AmCH Sounder's Hear Me Roar
AmCH Kelleygreens Amazing Grace
Rosanan La Rosa
Mallorn's Arcturus
Rosanan Desert Rose
CH.FIN/RUS/BALT, INT.FW Mallorn's Terracotta
INT CH NO CH SE CH WVW'08 SV'01'07'08 NV'06 Tjotte's Broken Arrow
Nor. Sw. Ch. Mambrinos Harvey
Schw.Ch./Nor.Ch./Fin.Ch. Tjotte's Babysitter's Nightmare
Mallorn's MMM Marabou
FI UCH Loresho Ozzie
ChFin Boothgates Miz Showbusiness
Superiosity Sidamo Ethiopia
SE VCH SE UCH DK UCH Cassatas Master Mallard
Heavy Loader's Turn Back Time
SE VCH Foulby Neptune
Rocheby Sailing By
GB.Sh.Ch. Cuanbank Island Mist at Foulby
Balnova Kristmas Joy
Brandhams Show Stopper
Courtbarns Blue Sky Over Balnova
Tjotte's Naughty But Nice Cassata
SUCH DKUCH Cassatas Alladin Aces
Rocksteady By Night
Ch Cassatas Ever Bossa Nova
Schw.Ch./Nor.Ch./Fin.Ch. Tjotte's Babysitter's Nightmare
Am/Can CH Banner's Muskelunge Buckeye
Nor. Ch.SE U(U)CH NO UCH Imp's Strictly Business
SE U(U)CH Wallwein's Jurassique
Gregoires Lastcast Off Dock
NZ/INTL CH Croftsway Old Man River CGC
EngCH Cambremer Tom Cobbley of Charway
Croftsway Xpress Bug
Gregoires Very Berry
Epochs Edward Of Bonaventure
Gregoire's Nugget Delight
C.I.B, C.I.E, FI UCH, NORD UCH, SE VCH Wallwein's African Sky
Gentle Gilbert's Regal Of Cassata
SE UCH Cassatas Chivas-Regal
Gentle Gilbert's Queen Of Rose
SE VCH Clown's Nova
Rocksteady By Night
Clown's Nobless
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