
Golden Retriever

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Ayaimah Spin Sweetest Thing (AI)  (5/30/2024-)

The number listed in green after each dog's name is its approximate age at time of death. If no number is listed, the dog may be still living, or the information is missing from the database.

Five generation pedigree:

Ayaimah Spin Sweetest Thing (AI)
GB / Irish Sh CH Ramchaine You Spin Me Right Round in Zenevieva JW
DE Ch, DK UCh, NL Ch. Dutch Consolidation Spy vs Spy
MBISS RuBISS Aust Ch. Goldew Southern Son
BISS RUBISS & ABBIS Aust Ch. Larbellah Take The Lead [14 years]
RUBISS/BISS AUST CH. Acacian Special Event [9.5 years]
MBISS Aust Ch Giltedge Angel Dust [14 years]
Aust Ch. Goldew Jubilation
Aust/NZ Ch Dykinta Grand Slam
Goldew Jubilee
JCh, NL Ch. Dutch Consolidation Nothing Else
ENG SH CH. Putjade Pajazzo
SU (u) Ch Floprym Rivaldo [10 years]
Putjade Paint The Town Red
ENG SH CH, NL/LUX/DE/VDH CH. Dutch Consolidation Galaxy JW '11, W'11
Int. Sh. Ch , Int. Ch , Lux/Dk/Dt-VDH/Swiss/Fr. Ch Ashbury Angel Heart [12.5 years]
NL CH Dutch Consolidation Newsflash CW'12
UK Sh Ch, Dutch Ch, German & VDH Ch Ramchaine Sing Sing Sing NJK, JW?15
Int Sh Ch, Dutch / Danish / German/ VDH Champion Noah of the Hellacious Acres Ejgs'12, NJK, DJK, VHD
Belg Sh Ch, VDH Ch, Su(u)Ch, Lux JCh. Dewmist Servantes Belgian Topwinning golden 2008
SU(U)CH NORDV-03 NUCH, VWW-08 Erinderry Gaelic Minstrel [13 years]
Vice-WW'03, ChSwe, Den, Pl, Lv Dewmist Shaquille LvW'07
Nl., German Ch. Philomena of the Hellacious Acres
International, French, Luxembourg Ch. Taram du Bois de la Rayere [10.5 years]
International Sh Ch / Dutch / German / VDH / Danish Ch. Ramchaine Green Glitter [14.5 years]
German & Gibraltar CH. Ramchaine Moonstruck VDH
UK Sh.Ch. International Sh Ch, Dutch, Danish, Swedish, Luxembourg Ch Barnum of the Hellacious Acres VDH.CH.Ger.Jun.Ch W'2008
WW'01,EW'99,02, Multi & Int Ch, Ch Fr/Ger/Lux/Swi/VDH Paudell Pure Passion [13.5 years]
Victoria of the Hellacious Acres [5.5 years]
Eng.Sh.Ch Ramchaine Essential JW
Aust. CH. Xanthos Fletcher Christian JW, Gundog WC
UK Sh Ch / Dutch Ch / German Ch / VDH Ch Remington Requisite Of Ramchaine [15 years]
Ayaimah Audrey Annies Song
Aust Ch. Alubyc King Tide with Askaval
Alubyc Tsunami AI
CIE,BALT,PL,FIN,NO,DK,RUS,LTClub Ch Milbu Twister to Nenuoramos LT Club W'12'15,LVW'13,NordW'13,BaltW'14,ESTW'19 [13 years]
FIN CH Sandusky Alain Prost
LVJ & LV CH Milbu Greta Grietina
Tyan And There She Was at Alubyc
Montego Absolute Truth
Goldmartini Dreamsbcomereality
Alubyc Port Out Starboard Home
AustCH & NZCH Zenevieva North Atlantic Drift JD
Can Ch Linirgor Spin The Bottle JW
Aupa Lunar Bay at Zenevieva
Alubyc In Clover
Pinkerly Somewhere Over the Rainbow at Alubyc
Inniscroft Pinkerly Arietta for Alubyc IID
Askaval Sea Change at Ayaimah
Thornywait Macintosh
Sh Ch Billy Elliot de Ria Vela JW
SPA/PT CH Dancing Queen de Ria Vela
Eng Sh Ch Thornywait Apple Of My Eye JW [10.5 years]
JEW'07, INT CH, SPA/PT/GBZ/DK CH, HR JCH Ritzilyn Rick O'Shay [12 years]
Eng Sh Ch Putjade Partypingla at Thornywait JW
Zenevieva Upon Reflection
Can Ch Linirgor Spin The Bottle JW
EW'15, Multi Ch. Majik Truth Or Dare NL/D/VDH/LUX/INT/SE/DK BDSG '10, Am.Winner '10 [12.5 years]
Ch Linirgor Mimi JW
Sh Ch Corglassgold Honour Roll with Zenevieva Jun Ch, JD
Ir Sh Ch,CIE Zenevieva Mister Bojangles for Whistler An Ch 16,CW 19,CVW 19,Ir Jun Ch,JD,Vet Ch
Corglassgold Rosie

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