Labrador Retriever
Original Red Pearl von Isininga
Five generation pedigree:
Original Red Pearl von Isininga
John Red Pumpkin von der Holzmuehle
[ A/A]
Huntfield's Red Baron
[ HD-A1/A1 ]
TTF Huntfield's Redcoat Sam
[OFA LR-175954G42M-NOPI]
Paddington October Red Storm
[OFA Excellent]
FTW Paddington's Amber Maxwell
Winbrook's Bronze Maggan
Scapaflow Towering Charlette
[OFA LR-138538G24F-PI]
HRCH Stewart's Scapaflow Toby JH
Willowyck Sarah Brittany
Kellygreens Morgan of Huntfield
Kelleygreens Sharp Shooter
[OFA LR-89605G40M-T]
Ch Kelleygreens On Target
[OFA Fair]
Kelleygreens Faith
[OFA LR-66162G26F]
Keepsake Kelleygreen Ruby
[OFA LR-122180G38F-PI]
Kelleygreens Kardinal
[OFA LR-94615G42M-T]
Keepsake's I Love Lucy
[OFA LR-132974G73F-PI]
Keepsake Judy's Red Baby
[ HD-A1/A1 ]
Boradors Moose
[OFA LR-160943G43M-PI]
Am CH Keepsake Cajun
[OFA LR-115520E25M-PI]
Kelleygreens Kardinal
[OFA LR-94615G42M-T]
Keepsake's I Love Lucy
[OFA LR-132974G73F-PI]
Decoys Dondi of Borador
[OFA Good]
Keepsake's Over Easy
[ Excellent]
Decoy Sea Shell
[OFA Good]
Keepsake Red Delicious
[OFA LR-137775E24F-PI]
Keepsake's Brickhouse
[OFA Good ]
Keepsake's Gulliver Travels
Keepsake's Tiger Lily
Keepsake's Spindletree Tess
[OFA Good]
Am. CH Hunt Club Milo
[OFA LR-75608G28M]
Keepsake's Flair For Red
[OFA Fair]
Elkens Red Pearl Of Indian Summer
Oakdales Hot N Tangy At Ansar
[OFA LR-167958G25M-VPI]
Little River Redheaded Stranger
[OFA LR-150027G24M-PI]
Am CH Keepsake Cajun
[OFA LR-115520E25M-PI]
Kelleygreens Kardinal
[OFA LR-94615G42M-T]
Keepsake's I Love Lucy
[OFA LR-132974G73F-PI]
Little River Strawberry Fields
[OFA LR-101622G25F-T]
AmCH Guideline's Master Card
[ 1994-09-08 HD ua]
Kelleygreens Cayenne
[OFA Good]
Windfall's Redbuds Of Oakdale
[OFA LR-107138G24F-T]
Hennings Mill Hunt Club Foxy
[OFA Good]
Hennings Mill The Big Chill
Hennings Mill Calypso Beauty
[OFA Good]
Windfall's Keepsake Rosebud
[ Good]
AmCH Charway Maverick
[OFA Good]
Kelleygreens Lady In Red
Elkens Flirt'N With Fire
[OFA LR-180775G24F-VPI]
Keepsake Great Balls Of Fire
[OFA Excellent]
Keepsake's Brickhouse
[OFA Good ]
Keepsake's Gulliver Travels
Keepsake's Tiger Lily
Keepsake Boing
Keepsake's Over Easy
[ Excellent]
Keepsake's Pecan Praline
Elkens Miss Cleo CGC
[OFA LR-160086G25F-PI]
Topwater Cinderhill Mr. Elkens
[OFA LR-138609G25M-PI]
Marstad's Rochester Rhapsodie
[OFA LR-108318G25M-T]
Saddlehill Cinderhill Mercy
[OFA Good]
Keepsake Punkin at Aspenwood
[OFA LR-117818G25F-PI]
Keepsake's Gulliver Travels
Keepsake's Tiger Lily
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