
Golden Retriever

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Camelot House Sirius Black Ice  (11/30/2020-)

The number listed in green after each dog's name is its approximate age at time of death. If no number is listed, the dog may be still living, or the information is missing from the database.

Five generation pedigree:

Camelot House Sirius Black Ice
CH WagnTail Reach'N 4 The Stars CDX BN GN RN DN TKN CGC CCA [9.5 years]
CH Tangleloft The Heat Is On SDHF, OS
BIS BISS Am CH Summits MR. Bojangles OS SDHF [14 years]
Am Can CH Golden Pine Dustrax Maverick CDX TDX RE OS CGC Can CD [14 years]
BIS BISS Am/Can CH Rush Hill's Haagen-Dazs CDX JH AX OAJ WCX VCX OS SDHF Can. CD WC [11 years]
Am/Can CH Golden Pine Tres Cherrybrook CD JH WC OD [13 years]
BIS BISS Am CH Summits Shadow Dancer OD SDHF [13.5 years]
BIS Am CH Twin-Beau-D's Hi Speed Chase OS SDHF
Miramichi's Summit Shandine [14 years]
BISS Ch. Tangleloft Chillingsworth OD [11.5 years]
Am./Can. CH. Online's Sweet Jamie Green [9.5 years]
BIS BISS Am/Can CH Rush Hill's Haagen-Dazs CDX JH AX OAJ WCX VCX OS SDHF Can. CD WC [11 years]
Am./Can. CH. Verdoro's Online Ice Queen [8 years]
CH Tangleloft Foxylane Jes Mine
Am. CH. Edgehill Sudden Impact OS
Am. Ch. Tangleloft Whistling Swan CD CGC OD
CH Goldstorm First And 4 Most CDX RN WC VC [14 years]
BISS CH Bravo's Old Spice SDHF OS [8.5 years]
AM/MEX/AMS/WC CH Sheffield-Ducat's Spellbound SDHF, OS [13 years]
BIS BISS Am Can CH Signature's Natural Wonder OS SDHF CGC TT [12.5 years]
Am CH Ducat's Fortune in Gold CDX SH WC VCX [15 years]
Ginge Ain't Whistling Dixie OD [9 years]
Am. CH Tangleloft Odds On Pebwin CD WC VC OS Can WC [11.5 years]
CH Gower's Ginge T G I F OD [12 years]
CH Goldstorm Pardon Me Boys OD [9.5 years]
Am. Ch. Daybreak Varsity Jump OS [9.5 years]
BISS Am./BIS Can./BIS Bda. CH Cherrybrook Touchstone JH WC SDHF OS [12.5 years]
Can. Ch. Claircrest Daybreak Archetype [13 years]
Ch Summit Goldstorm Move Over Girls
BISS Am CH Goldstorm Moving Force BISS OS
BISS Am. Ch. Summits Mysterious Ways OD SDHF
Camelot House Star Light Star Bright JH RN CCA WC CGCA TKA DJ
Multi BISS GCHS Passion N Powderhorn Only Game In Town BVSS CD JH VC RN WC DJ CGC TKA CA OS SDHF [10.5 years]
Multi BIS BISS Am GCHS CH Summits The Titanic OS SDHF
BIS BISS Am CH Summits MR. Bojangles OS SDHF [14 years]
Am Can CH Golden Pine Dustrax Maverick CDX TDX RE OS CGC Can CD [14 years]
BIS BISS Am CH Summits Shadow Dancer OD SDHF [13.5 years]
BIS Int Ar Br CH Golden Trip's Victoria Thanks A Million [12 years]
MBIS Ar Br Pan CH Nautilus Fox Mulder [9.5 years]
BISS Can Int Arg Br Pan CH Golden Trip's First Victoria [13.5 years]
GCH CH Passion's Natural Woman UD JH WC VCX OD
BISS Am GCH CH Can CH Gangway's SUV OS SDHF [7 years]
Am CH Gangway's Sweeter Than Whine OS WC CGC TDI [13 years]
Gangway Faeras Lightning Bug
Passion's All I Wanna Do OD
Laurell's Geisha
Int Nat (USA) Camelot House Living the Good Life CGC CCA RI DN TKN BCAT FDC
CH Prism's Hear It In The Deep Heart's Core CD RN JH VC [14 years]
CH Tangleloft The Heat Is On SDHF, OS
BIS BISS Am CH Summits MR. Bojangles OS SDHF [14 years]
BISS Ch. Tangleloft Chillingsworth OD [11.5 years]
SHR Prism's Journey to Dustrax CD RE NAJ JH WC CCA VC OD [13.5 years]
Am Can CH Golden Pine Dustrax Maverick CDX TDX RE OS CGC Can CD [14 years]
Rachel's Solo MVP Contender CD RE JH WC VC CCA(mjr ptd) [13.5 years]
Duchess Daisy Of Camelot RN CA BCAT TKN RATN DJ CGC CCA
Sir Dan of Blake Farms
Sir Don Of Buckwheat Hollow
Daddy's Little Moonshine
Lexi's Daughter Lucy [11 years]
Grandview's Lord Snowden Of T
Otis' Friend Lexi [12.5 years]

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