Labrador Retriever
Am.Can.Ch. Winroc Justes B Handsome Hero (1/30/1996-)
Five generation pedigree:
Am.Can.Ch. Winroc Justes B Handsome Hero
Justes B Triple Quest
Am.Ch. Justes B Tug's Brumby
AM CH Justes B der Schwarzer Hengst
Winroc Loyal Archer
GB Sh Ch Strinesdale Old Spice
Winroc Folderol of Wynn Song
Am.Ch. Justes B Happiness Is
AmCH Shamrock Acres Schwechater G
[OFA LR-6991-T]
Justes B Sonderhaus Roulette
Justes B Gamine Beaujolais
AmCH Allegheny's McDuff
[OFA LR-14386]
AmCH Kupros Live Spark CD
Am CH Allegheny Bezique
Am.Ch. Roscrea Kennel-Worth CD
DC AFC Trumarc's Triple Threat
[OFA LR-2264]
AmCH Almar's Jezebel
[OFA LR-3244]
Justes B Visions Quest
Winroc Loyal Archer
GB Sh Ch Strinesdale Old Spice
GB Ch Sandylands Mark
GB Sh Ch Strinesdale Bianca
Winroc Folderol of Wynn Song
AmCH Somersett Gambler CD WC
[OFA LR-8368]
Am.Ch. Winroc Winter Edition
[OFA LR-7586-T]
Am.Ch. Justes B Echo Omega
AM Ch Justes B Solar Power
AmCH Campbellcroft's Angus CD
[OFA LR-9916]
Am.Ch. Justes B Alihakkala
Justes B Rainbow Connection
Am.Ch. Justes B Steffl Export CD.
Am.Ch. Roscrea Kennel-Worth CD
Winroc Corrina Charisma
Mar-Kri's J Roscoe JH
[OFA LR-36638E27M]
Ch Surprising's Rodney
Licithas Bianco
NORD UCH INT UCH Baronor Phoenix
[ UA]
SE UCH NO UCH Licithas Poppet
NO UCH NORD V-84-85 Surprising's Norah
Puhs Indra
[ A1]
NO UCH Surprising's Kornelia
Elvelege Crown Jewel
GB SH CH Heatherbourne Court Jester
GB ShCh Bradking Cassidy
GB.Sh.Ch. Copperhill Lyric of Heatherbourne
Elvelege Kerris
GB Sh Ch Trewinnard Not Likely
[BVA 2:4]
GB ShCh Elvelege Ember Goose
Winroc X-Tasy in Motion CD
AFC Hiwood Apache
[OFA LR-29248E28M]
FC AFC Hiwood Clincher
CNFC NAFC FC Piper's Pacer
[OFA LR-10116 ]
All Star's Jumping Joy
[OFA LR-9796]
Beaver Creek's Tara Rageing
[OFA LR-20878]
Beaver Creek's Critter Getter
[OFA LR-15671-T]
Beaver Creek's Annie Oakley
[OFA LR-17606]
AmCH Winroc Goforit Of Sundalane JH
[OFA LR-14707-T]
AmCH Somersett Gambler CD WC
[OFA LR-8368]
Somersett Waajid Zain
Jayncourt Star Bound
[OFA LR-4791]
Am.Ch. Winroc Thunderstruck CD
AmCH Killingworth's Thunderson
Winroc's Pandora
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