K9data.comLabrador Retriever

Mountain Star Ice Storm  (2/18/2002-)

The number listed in green after each dog's name is its approximate age at time of death. If no number is listed, the dog may be still living, or the information is missing from the database.

Five generation pedigree:

Mountain Star Ice Storm
AmCH Timberline Big Ben At Fawnhaven RN SH [14 years]
French Dual Champion, Multi Ch Carromer's Charlie Chalk [12.5 years]
Eng CH Rocheby Royal Oak [12 years]
Poolstead Pretentious At Rocheby [11 years]
Eng Sh Ch Poolstead Preferential
Poolstead Precious Pearl
Eng Sh Ch Rocheby Acorn [10.5 years]
Playmate of Bensondale
Rocheby Polished Oak
Carromer Glamour Girl
Carromer Wild About Harry
Raybooth Cream Cracker
Carromer Dishy Doll
Quadriga Finesse of Carromer
Carromer Dusty Bin
Question of Truth at Quadriga
AmCH Blackthorns Timberline Tgif
CH Daylight's Blue Eclipse JH
Am/Can CH Davoeg Silky Beau
BISS AmCH CanCH Monarch's Black Arrogance CD WC
Briary Marzipan
Allegheny Cameo
Fr.Am.Int.Ch.World Ch. Sandylands Rip Van Winkle [12.5 years]
Allegheny's Twilight
AmCH Starpoint Blackthorn Blonde CD
BISS AmCH CanCH Monarch's Black Arrogance CD WC
AmCH Monarch's Dusty Chief
Briary Moss Rose
Campbellcroft Brambleberry CD
AmCH Sandylands Flash Harry CD [9.5 years]
AmCH Campbellcroft's Pede CD WC
Int.Ch. Chelons Starlight Gwyneth
CH Chardon's Renegade Of Rochar
AmCH Rainell's Dynasty
AmCH Jayncourt Ajoco Justice
GB.Ch. Ballyduff Marketeer
AmCH Jayncourt Star Performer
Finchingfield Indigo
AmCH Briary Brendan Of Rainell
CH Briary Bustle
AmCH Chelons Blackthorn Snow
Am.Can.Ch. Governor Woody's Best CD
Wyntercreek Autumn Tyee
Keelcroft's Charisma
AmCH Starpoint Blackthorn Blonde CD
BISS AmCH CanCH Monarch's Black Arrogance CD WC
Campbellcroft Brambleberry CD
Am.Ch. Chelons Daphne
CH. Chelons Scottish Gillie CD JH
AmCH Boradors Danny Boy
AmCH Elysium Citizen Kane
Boradors Edgewater Harlow
Am.Ch. Chelons Satin McCoy
AmCH Chelons Sleepless Knight CD JH [12 years]
CH Hennings Mill's Chazzy
AmCH Chelons Sassi Chasis CD
BISS AmCH CanCH Monarch's Black Arrogance CD WC
AmCH Monarch's Dusty Chief
Briary Moss Rose
Cobbs Yellow Frenzy CDX
Lucky Four Finnagan O'riagain
Chamber's California Chablis

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