
Golden Retriever

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Elkshead Isla of Donardglade  (7/1/2021-)

Five generation pedigree:

Elkshead Isla of Donardglade
FTW Tealcreek Hamish at Tamniarn
Amberdolly Hamlet at Tamniarn FTAW
Eng. FT CH Birdsgreen Sweet Reward of Castlemans
FTW Castlemans Beaver
Tanleighden Elvis at Cleynehage
FTW Crunchy Castlemans Lima
Birdsgreen Pampered Gale
FTW Canburne Fennel of Lafayette
FTW Elmbrook Kitty
Lady Amhersts (Royal Knight x Mia Delph Spirit)
Royal Knight
Wheatmill Ezra
Satin Queen
Mia Delph Spirit
Daniel Adonis
Parcddu Myfanwy
Birdsgreen Egypt at Tealcreek
Standgates Chaplain
Standerwick Remus of Merryway
Eng. FT. CH. Earnsfield Teal
Eng. FT. CH. Abnalls Hilary Of Standerwick
Standgates Psalm
Eng. FT. CH. Ben Of Codicote
Standgates Agatha
Birdsgreen Pampered Gale
FTW Canburne Fennel of Lafayette
Eng. FT. CH. Rossmhor of Clancallum
FTW Deadcraft Dona of Leeglen
FTW Elmbrook Kitty
Eng. FT. CH. Ben Of Codicote
Glenconway Anna
Conglcae Hopscotch
Nordenlights Eagle
FTW Scherzando Pisces
Standerwick Remus of Merryway
Eng. FT. CH. Earnsfield Teal
Eng. FT. CH. Abnalls Hilary Of Standerwick
Scherzando Grundy
FTW Greenfoot Barra
Leerambler Bramble
Amberdolly Cordelia
Eng. FT CH Birdsgreen Sweet Reward of Castlemans
FTW Castlemans Beaver
Birdsgreen Pampered Gale
Lady Amhersts (Royal Knight x Mia Delph Spirit)
Royal Knight
Mia Delph Spirit
Merryway Serena
Eng. FT CH Vamp Parsley Potage
Eng. FT CH Birdsgreen Sweet Reward of Castlemans
FTW Castlemans Beaver
Birdsgreen Pampered Gale
Welsh Ruby of Vamp
Standerwick Remus of Merryway
Crumble Hill
Merryway Monalisa
FTW Holway Victor
Standerwick Remus of Merryway
Holway Evita
Merryway Beretta
FT.W Holway Banjo
Eng. FT. CH. Holway Rolo of Merryway

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