K9data.comLabrador Retriever

AFC Candlewood's Prizefighter  (7/12/2001-)

Five generation pedigree:

AFC Candlewood's Prizefighter
'00 NFC FC AFC Maxx's Surprise
2xCNAFC 2xNAFC FC CFC Ebonstar Lean Mac
'87CNFC '92CNAFC Waldorf's High Tech
CFC Rascal's Super Spud
NAFC FC AFC Ray's Rascal
Sirion's Super Snooper
Itchin's Flying Tiger ***
FC AFC Itchin' To Go
Thor's Tiger Lillie
Ebonaceae Princess WCX QA2
Trieven El Conquistador
FC AFC CFC Trieven Thunderhead
Trieven High Speed
Skookum's Sky Raider
CFC CAFC Virdon's Tuktoyaktuk
Wilkie's Cinderella Liberty
'91CNFC CAFC FC AFC Chena River No Surprise
AFC Super Khomeini
Super Powder
1968NFC 2xNAFC Super Chief
FC Martens Black Powder Kate
FC AFC Chena River Misty
NAFC FC AFC Ray's Rascal
Sirion's Super Snooper
AFC Powder Keg Meg
Super Powder
1968NFC 2xNAFC Super Chief
FC Martens Black Powder Kate
Ruby's Burning Daylight
FC AFC Penny Oaks Flint
Princee of the North
FC Candlewood's Homely Hannah
FC AFC Wilderness Harley To Go
FC AFC Itchin' To Go
FC AFC Air Express
1968NFC 2xNAFC Super Chief
Can.Dual CH Dart Of Netley Creek
Stillwater Peggy
Spring Farms Lucky
Toni of Wanapum
AFC Black Golds Candlewood Kate
2 x NAFC FC River Oak's Rascal
2xNAFC 3xCNFC River Oaks Corky
Random Rapscallion
FC AFC Candlewood's Nellie B Good
1968NFC 2xNAFC Super Chief
Gahonk's Rebel Queen
3xNFC AFC Candlewoods Tanks A Lot
NFC NAFC FC AFC Candlewoods Super Tanker
NFC FC AFC San Joaquin Honcho
FC AFC Trumarc's Raider
Doxie Gypsy Taurus
Candlewoods Delta Dash
2 x NAFC FC River Oak's Rascal
FC AFC Candlewood's Nellie B Good
Candlewoods Tiz Too
FC Candlewood's Super Deal
1968NFC 2xNAFC Super Chief
Candlewood Liffey
Blackfoot Tiz Too
NAFC FC AFC Ray's Rascal
FC Washington's Tizzy Lizzy

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