K9data.comLabrador Retriever

Black Bunny of Kerrybrook  (1/20/1989-)

The number listed in green after each dog's name is its approximate age at time of death. If no number is listed, the dog may be still living, or the information is missing from the database.

Five generation pedigree:

Black Bunny of Kerrybrook
NAFC FC AFC Winsom Cargo
FC AFC Air Express
1968NFC 2xNAFC Super Chief [11 years]
FC AFC Paha Sapa Chief II
FC Freehaven Muscles
Treasure State Be-Wise
Ironwood Cherokee Chica
Dual CH Cherokee Buck
Glen-Water Fantom
Can.Dual CH Dart Of Netley Creek
Netley Creek's Sugar
Sambo of Somonauk II
Nelgard's Madam Queen
Stonegate's Suzie Q
Stonegate's Brazen Beau
Lucky Linda of Stonegate
Piegan's Charisma
NAFC FC AFC Ray's Rascal
Carnmoney Spud [11 years]
CFC Bandit of Carnmoney
Carnmoney Boots
Miss Fiddlesticks
AFC Black Mike Of Lakewood
Kemper's Sassy Sue
FC AFC Piegan's Criseyde
1968NFC 2xNAFC Super Chief [11 years]
FC AFC Paha Sapa Chief II
Ironwood Cherokee Chica
Smoky's Miss Tremendous
NFC FC Martens' Little Smoky
Hunt's Charming Annebelle/Annabelle
Westwinds Super Boots
NFC FC AFC San Joaquin Honcho
FC AFC Trumarc's Raider
2xNFC Whygin Cork's Coot
NFC FC AFC CFC Cork Of Oakwood Lane [11.5 years]
Whygin Dark Ace
FC Luka Of Casey's Rocket
FC AFC Cougar's Rocket
Pacific Mo Kee
Doxie Gypsy Taurus
FC AFC Carr-Lab Penrod
FC AFC Paha Sapa Chief II
Ironwood Cherokee Chica
Bain Gypsy Jet
Bellota Ben
Black Terror II
FC AFC Sandhill's Happy Hooker
1968NFC 2xNAFC Super Chief [11 years]
FC AFC Paha Sapa Chief II
FC Freehaven Muscles
Treasure State Be-Wise
Ironwood Cherokee Chica
Dual CH Cherokee Buck
Glen-Water Fantom
FC AFC Ern-Bar's Twinkle Boots
FC Anzac Of Zenith
AFC Black Mike Of Lakewood
Jezebel Of Normandy
Happy's Twinkle
Nightcap Again
Miss Behavior

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