
Golden Retriever

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Raintree Flashpoint  (5/3/1985-)

Five generation pedigree:

Raintree Flashpoint
Sungold's Chief Sun's-A-Blaze
FC AFC Misty's Sungold Lad CDX OS FDHF [OFA GR-419G M]
Sherrydan Tag * OS [OFA GR-567]
Pennard Golden Kerry
Eng. CH. Dai Of Yarlaw
Pennard Golden Bonnie
Tarmoon Scampi
Deerflite Sorrel Of Empshott
Tia Pepita
Luke's Golden Misty [OFA GR 567]
Am. CH. Dustrack's Easy Able Rusty
Am. Dual CH AFC Craigmar Dustrack OS DDHF FDHF
Easy Able Sugar
Sun Dance's Flare OD
Am. CH. Indian Knoll's Roc-Cloud UD OS OBHF
Sun Dance's Carla CD
Sungold Shurefoot Shabby [OFA GR-3446-T]
FC AFC Chief Sands OS FDHF [OFA GR-715]
Chief Oshkosh of Stilrovin **
AFC Gunnerman's Coin of Copper OS FDHF
Stilrovin Kathy-K OD ***
Echo of Sands ***
Riffwood Sand *
Goldie of Merry Jewel
Kelly Jean of Chief Oshkosh
Chief Oshkosh of Stilrovin **
AFC Gunnerman's Coin of Copper OS FDHF
Stilrovin Kathy-K OD ***
Tioga Mactaffy WC OD [OFA GR 1555]
AFC Gunnerman's Coin of Copper OS FDHF
Tigerdale's Bonnie Meg OD
Sungold's Misty Morning
Sungold's Chief Sun's-A-Blaze
FC AFC Misty's Sungold Lad CDX OS FDHF [OFA GR-419G M]
Sherrydan Tag * OS [OFA GR-567]
Pennard Golden Kerry
Tarmoon Scampi
Luke's Golden Misty [OFA GR 567]
Am. CH. Dustrack's Easy Able Rusty
Sun Dance's Flare OD
Sungold Shurefoot Shabby [OFA GR-3446-T]
FC AFC Chief Sands OS FDHF [OFA GR-715]
Chief Oshkosh of Stilrovin **
Echo of Sands ***
Kelly Jean of Chief Oshkosh
Chief Oshkosh of Stilrovin **
Tioga Mactaffy WC OD [OFA GR 1555]
Maple Oak's Ginger
O'Happy Day
Tigathoe's Teetotaler *** [OFA GR-84]
FC AFC Nickolas Of Logan's End FDHF [ Hips normal by Dr Hage, 1/62]
FC AFC FTCH Stilrovin Tuppee Tee FDHF
Wiota Of Stilrovin
AFC Gunnerman's Coin of Copper OS FDHF
Stilrovin Kathy-K OD ***
Peter Pan's Teeny
Spirit Lake's Golden Boy
Reddy Already ***
Tuesses Starter
Lady Godiva III
Peter Pan's Herman ***
Luke Adew's Mystery

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