
Golden Retriever

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Jethro's Canyon Sunrise  (4/27/1993-)

Five generation pedigree:

Jethro's Canyon Sunrise
Tweedmouth Jethro Bodine [OFA GR-28501F28M]
Am. CH. Wingwatcher Reddi To Rally CDX WC OS [OFA GR-12082G25M]
Am./Can. CH. Trowsnest Whirlwind UD WC Can CDX WC Am./Can. OS [OFA GR-10327E27M]
Bainin of Caernac CD *** OS [OFA GR-1389E75M-T]
Circle Lee Michael Of Yeo WC
Lady Bonnie Bramie [OFA GR-2446G]
Am. CH. Valhalla Trowsnest Folly UD TD WCX [OFA GR-4049G24F]
Am./Can./Mex. CH. Cal-Vo's Happy Ambassador Am./Can. CD OS SDHF [OFA GR-1103]
Beckwith's Chickasaw Jingle OD [OFA GR-160]
Beaumaris Fair Victory CD WCX OD [OFA GR-3925F24F]
Am. CH. Shargleam Ferryman OS [OFA GR-9937G]
Eng. SH. CH. Nortonwood Checkmate [ BVA Hip Score 2:2]
Shargleam Amethyst [ BVA Hip Score 9:6]
Am. CH. Beaumaris Bide Me Fair [OFA GR-3935G25F]
Beaumaris Durham
Beaumaris Ainsel Meghan OD [OFA GR-2454]
Flicka De Rist [OFA GR-21499]
Golden Gate's Clancy [OFA GR-12795]
Am CH Gilnockie Goldenloe Patriot CD [OFA GR-6497]
Am. CH. Goldenloe's Tastik Al-Ee-Oop
Am. CH. Goldenloe's Junior Miss OD [OFA GR-428]
Golden Daisy Of May [OFA GR-3107]
Sir Mo-Bee-Oh Am/Can UD OBHF
Samantha of Clackamas
Golden Gate's Chellsie [OFA GR-13400]
Dick Tracy S Of Ace-Hi
Tim Grayson
Taffy Girl V
Buffy of Ace-Hi
Golden Doll Lady [OFA GR-35176G39F]
Golden Beau Fletcher
Lobos Mighty Joe
Lobos De Oro II
Lindberg's Autumn Snow
Herringtons Golden Honey
Starlight Taffara Gold
North Fork Gunsmoke
Starlight Brandy
Trapper's Rustic Lady
Shea's Duke Trapper
Shea's Lord Chukkar
Sweet Georgia Brown Of Bel Air
Angel Lady
Koji Of Snowmass
Chelsea Canyon
Gold Rush Sadie III
Sir Zephyr Of Lakewood
Am./Can. CH. Beckwiths Xciting Fellow OS [OFA GR-4275]
Am CH Wochica's Okeechobee Jake OS SDHF [OFA GR-851]
Am/Can CH. Beckwith's Malagold Cherub Am UDT Can CDX OD [OFA GR-880]
Beckwiths Gay Lee CD [OFA GR-8094]
Am./Can. CH. Gayhaven Daemon Can/Am CDX WC [OFA GR-1955]
Can.Ch. Synspur Beckwiths Laurel Am.Can.CD [OFA GR 881]
Tecolote Miss Autumn
Inwood's Jason
Am/Can OTCH Meadowpond Tackle OS [OFA GR-9095]
Rhiannon V [OFA GR-7847]
Inwood's Victorian Pleaser
Am CH Meadowpond Crowd Pleaser CDX OS [OFA GR-12425G]
Jagersbo Maggie Mae

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