
Golden Retriever

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Terraqua's Just Norton CD  (10/20/1974-)

Five generation pedigree:

Terraqua's Just Norton CD
Terraqua Copper's Jolly John WC
Bonnie Brook's Copper ***
Jolly Again of Ouilmette CD *** OS [OFA GR-462]
Holway Stubblesdown Jolly *** [OFA GR-170]
Holway Leo *** OS
Stubblesdown Kandy
Gunnerman's Copper Penny **
Cedarburg Joe
Gunnermans Proper OD
Bonnie Brook's Honey
Hot Toddy (SA079259) ***
Redwing's Tom Tom ***
Fair Lady of Kit
Golde Arbor Vita's
Arbor Vita's Golden Beau
Buff of Rusty
Thirsty Lake's Terraqua Miss J ** [OFA OFA 419]
Goldenrod's Ray Of Friendship ** [OFA GRC-22]
FC AFC Can Dual CH Rockhaven Raynard of Fo-Go-Ta FDHF
Rockhaven Rastus
Judye of Dewstraw
Am. CH. Broken Bank's Ha'Penny Bit
CH Little Joe Of Tigathoe *** OS [OFA GRC-25]
Des Lacs Gilded Farthing CD
Tigathoe's Cobi o' Thirsty Lake ** [OFA GR-195]
Holway Leo *** OS
Eng. FT. CH. Stubblesdown Larry
Eng. FT. CH. Musicmaker of Yeo
FC AFC FTCH Stilrovin Tuppee Tee FDHF
Stilrovin Bearcat OS
Pink Lady of Audlon ** OD
Sunnypride's Susie O'Terraqua
Marjim's Discovery Of Yeo [OFA GR 771]
Irish CH. Mandingo Beau Geste Of Yeo
Alresford Nice Fella
Alresford Carlton Kim
Alresford Chiquita
Lucky Charm Of Yeo
Ringmaster Of Yeo
Tingel Jill
Butterscotch Amelia
Eng. SH. CH. Anbria Tantalus JW
Eng. CH. Camrose Tallyrand of Anbria
Danish CH Anbria Laurel
Pennard Golden Viola
Pennard Golden Kerry
Pennard Golden Pansy
Copper Penny Of Yeo
Raynesgold Represenative Of Yeo [ UA (19-?)]
Eng./Irish CH. Mandingo Buidhe Colum
Alresford Nice Fella
Buidhe Dearg
Raynesgold Glennessa Etoile
Ringmaster Of Yeo
Glennessa Candida
Penkori Zoe
New Zealand CH Vanrose Victor
Vanrose Penkori Optimist
Glennessa Crista
Vanrose Penkori Rosalind
Eng. CH. Camrose Nicolas of Westley
Penkori Melanie

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