
Golden Retriever

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Snowshoe's Great Romance  (6/11/2004-)

Five generation pedigree:

Snowshoe's Great Romance
MBIS MBISS Am CH. Snowshoe's Escape to Big Sky OS SDHF
Am CH Gangway's Sweeter Than Whine OS WC CGC TDI
BIS BISS Am Can CH Signature's Natural Wonder OS SDHF CGC TT
Am. CH. Sunshine Hill's Nat'l Cowboy OS SDHF
Am/Can Ch Sunshine Hill's True Grit OS
CH Goldenbear's Catch the Wave OD
Am CH Signature's Sound Sensation OD
BISS Am CH Asterling Go Getm Gangbuster OS SDHF
Rosewindi Write The Songs OD
Faera's Sweet Caroline OD
Am CH. Faera's Future Classic OS
Am CH Asterling's Buster Keaton OS
Am CH Faera's Puppy Kidd OD
Faera's Shilo Lueree Fire OD
Mult. BIS & BISS Am/Can CH. Asterling's Wild Blue Yonder OS SDHF CGC
Am CH Faera's The Keepsake Kidd OD
Am. Can. Ch. Goldsmith California Sunshine
Am CH. Faera's Future Classic OS
Am CH Asterling's Buster Keaton OS
Am CH Birnam Wood's Mountin' Ash OS
BIS BISS Am Can CH Amberac's Asterling Aruba OD SDHF
Am CH Faera's Puppy Kidd OD
Am CH Goldwing True Bear OS SDHF
Am CH Faera's Digger The Dawg OD
Am./Can. CH. Goldsmith's Delta Blue
Mult. BIS & BISS Am/Can CH. Asterling's Wild Blue Yonder OS SDHF CGC
Am CH Signature's Sound Barrier OS
AmCH Asterling's Wingmaster OD
Can. CH Mandalaro Sunrise Shoneen OD
Am CH Goldwing True Bear OS SDHF
Can CH Beaumaris Genevieve Can OD
AmCH Snowshoe's All American Girl OD
Am CH Snowshoe Starring At Bat
Mult. BIS & BISS Am/Can CH. Asterling's Wild Blue Yonder OS SDHF CGC
Am CH Signature's Sound Barrier OS
BISS Am CH Asterling Go Getm Gangbuster OS SDHF
Rosewindi Write The Songs OD
AmCH Asterling's Wingmaster OD
BIS Am CH Asterling Austin-Healey OS SDHF
BIS BISS Am Can CH Amberac's Asterling Aruba OD SDHF
BISS Am. Can. CH Arieh Pandamonium In Our Time OD SDHF
Am CH Signature's Sound Barrier OS
BISS Am CH Asterling Go Getm Gangbuster OS SDHF
Rosewindi Write The Songs OD
Am. CH Arieh Morn Glow Here At Last OD
Am/Can CH. Freedom's Celebration OS
Marbo's Oahu Tigress
Amberac Snowshoe Speedwagon OD
BISS Am. Ch. Summits Crocodile Rock OS SDHF
Am. CH Summits Limited Edition OS SDHF
Am. CH Can BIS Ch Thornelea's Unintentionally CD OS CGC
Adagio's Summit Sonic Wave OD
BISS Am. Ch. Summits Mysterious Ways OD SDHF
BIS BISS Am CH Suntory Loveit A Cherrybrook VCD1 CDX JH OA WC OS SDHF
Am CH. Summits Mystic Rhythms SDHF
Am. Ch. Nautilus Amberac Asilken
Am/Can Ch. Nautilus Edgehill Crown Onyx OS
BIS BISS Am. Can. CH Asterling's Jamaica Verdict OS SDHF
BIS Am./Can./Bda. CH. Nautilus Edgehill Diamen' Ice CD OD SDHF
Am. Can. CH Twin-Beau-D Nautilus Seastar OD
BISS Am CH Twin Beau D's JJ OS
BIS Am CH Cloverdale Twin-Beau-D Joy OD SDHF

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