
Golden Retriever

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Golden Dawn of Brookview  (3/16/1962-)

The number listed in green after each dog's name is its approximate age at time of death. If no number is listed, the dog may be still living, or the information is missing from the database.

Five generation pedigree:

Golden Dawn of Brookview
King Croesus ***
Tonkahof Sioux ***
Tonkahof Fellow CD
FC Goldwood Tuck OS FDHF [9.5 years]
Rockhaven Tuck ** OS
Am. CH. Sprite of Aldgrove ** OD DDHF [ years]
Am. CH. Tonkahof Bamby CD [ years]
Am. CH. Goldwood Pluto *** OS
Buff of Golden Valley
Am. CH. Tonkahof Ode
Am. CH. Czar Of Wildwood OS SDHF [3.5 years]
FC Stilrovin Super Speed FDHF [8 years]
Beavertail Rock Ripple
Tonkahof Gail **
Am. CH. Tonkahof Bang *** OS SDHF DDHF [6.5 years]
Am. CH. Tonka Belle Of Woodend OD [ years]
Royal Golden Teal ***
FC Royal Peter Golden Boy OS FDHF [8 years]
Peter of Woodend *** OS
FC Rip OS FDHF [5.5 years]
Rockhaven Judy ** OD
Patsy of Woodend OD
Rockhaven Tuck ** OS
Gilnockie Annabelle
Haney's Golden Beck-A-La ***
Flash of Roedare
Major of Roedare
Lady of Roedare OD
Roxie Ann OD
Am. CH. Beavertail Butch
Beavertail Heather
Middlemoor's Golden Lady
Sidram Satan UD OBHF [15 years]
Boltby Clipper
Eng. CH. Boltby Skylon
Boltby Kymba
Boltby Sweet Melody
Goldawn Brandy
Eng. CH. Torrdale Faithful
Goldtrieve Dainty
Am. CH. Sidram Shining Star UD OD
Am. CH. Zag Of Sandywood
Brandywine Kent
Alice Ben Bolt
Featherquest Patton CD
Goldwood Toby UD OBHF [7 years]
Banty's Pluto Of Bushaway
Tamarisk Of Phil-Lo CD
Am. CH. Sidram Sampson CD
Am. Dual CH. AFC Squawkie Hill Dapper Dexter DDHF FDHF
Am. CH. Squawkie Hill Highlight
Am. CH. Etta Zoloto OD [14 years]
Sidram Selected **
NFC AFC Can. FC Ready Always of Marianhill OS FDHF [13.5 years]
Tammy Of Tamarack
Am. CH. Sidram Shady Lady CDX ** OD
Am. CH. Zig Of Sandywood CD
Brandywine Kent
Alice Ben Bolt
Am. CH. Golden Knoll's Shur Shot CD OS SDHF
Mueller's Sparkle OD

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