
Golden Retriever

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Gaewinds Chiming Bells  (4/13/1998-10/2003)

The number listed in green after each dog's name is its approximate age at time of death. If no number is listed, the dog may be still living, or the information is missing from the database.

Five generation pedigree:

Gaewinds Chiming Bells
Can. CH Eaton's Eastshore Diplomat [14 years]
CanCH;Can OTCH Jonore's Courthill Timothy CDX JH WC Can.UD WCII [16.5 years]
Can. CH Beaumaris Jonore's Kaspar CDX WC Can CDX [15 years]
Am./Can./Mex. CH. Cal-Vo's Happy Ambassador Am./Can. CD OS SDHF [10.5 years]
Am. CH. Footprint Of Yeo CD OS
Am. CH. Beckwith's Malagold Starfarm OD
Am. CH. Beaumaris Bide Me Fair [13 years]
Beaumaris Durham
Beaumaris Ainsel Meghan OD
Gaewind's Jonore Windsor Rose CD TD
Am. CH Beaumaris Dalesman CD
Am./Can. CH. Ciadar Tintinabulation UD TD WC VCX OS Can UD OS [12.5 years]
Am. CH. Deerflite Sunset CDX OD [10 years]
Gaewinds Tudor Garland [ years]
Am. CH Beaumaris Tangleloft Heath CDX
Ciadar Blithe CD [ years]
Lady Bergen of SSK [14.5 years]
Beau Jangles II
Am./Can. CH. Sir Launcelot of Hawthorne CD WC
Riptide Brandy
Whirlybird of Hawthorne CD
Golden Molly of Brookside
High Farms Golden Shamrock CD
Heidi Princess Of Seaside
Banty's Pride Of Hollow Road
Master Willy's Deacon
CanCH Nordlaw's Russet Gold
June's Golden Penny
Timmy's Taffy of Grandview
Circle Lee Michael Of Yeo WC
High Farms Moon Orbit
Eaton's Eastshore Brocade
Hawthorne's Whirlwind Luke
Am. CH Beaumaris Dalesman CD
Am./Can. CH. Ciadar Tintinabulation UD TD WC VCX OS Can UD OS [12.5 years]
Am. CH. Gayhaven-Kyrie Talisman CD TD
Gayhaven Slightly Cinnamon UDT WC Can. UD OD [9 years]
Am. CH. Deerflite Sunset CDX OD [10 years]
Raynesgold Rainaway
Deerflite Highlight
Hawthorne's Amy Of Caernac
Bainin of Caernac CD *** OS [16.5 years]
Circle Lee Michael Of Yeo WC
Lady Bonnie Bramie
High Farms Moon Orbit
Am. CH. Major Gregory of High Farms OS [9 years]
Am. CH. High Farms Golden Virgo
Gaewinds Tudor Lark Of Eaton CD [16 years]
Am. CH Beaumaris Tangleloft Heath CDX
Am. CH. Beaumaris Somerset OS
Am./Can. CH. Ciadar Tintinabulation UD TD WC VCX OS Can UD OS [12.5 years]
Am. CH. Deerflite Sunset CDX OD [10 years]
Deerflite Selina OD
Eng. SH. CH. Concord Of Yeo
Deerflite Pheasant
Ciadar Blithe CD [ years]
Am./Can. CH. Ciadar Tintinabulation UD TD WC VCX OS Can UD OS [12.5 years]
Am. CH. Gayhaven-Kyrie Talisman CD TD
Gayhaven Slightly Cinnamon UDT WC Can. UD OD [9 years]
Rimrac's Liberty Belle
Am/Can CH. Kyrie Daemon CDX WC OS Can. CD [11.5 years]
Ciadar Tempo CD

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