
Golden Retriever

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Princess Sierra of Corinth

Five generation pedigree:

Princess Sierra of Corinth
Sir Jason of Country Club
Sir Johnathan of Jimlor
Jake The Snake IV
Buster T Duster
Cal's Lucky Duster
Spicer Of Lifer
Pueblo Pebbles
Mouse of San Antonio
Butterscotch Buff
Va-Guas Castle Keep
Jaksen's Golden Bleker
Ozzie's Terrable Zeke
Golden Simsen Katy
Gold Country's Samantha K
Am. CH Windfall's Mister Murphy CD [OFA GR-15177]
Am. CH Gold Countrys Calamity Jane [OFA GR-9999]
Jimlors Jodi of Belair
Rusty Boy of Rincon Mountain
Sir Sarge of Prescott
Sir Fletcher of Prescott
MZ Blondie Bumstead
Ms Samantha of Phoenix
Baron Bufford Goldrush
Clark of Sheba Star
Bambi of TG Ranch
H and D's Razz L Dazzle
Klemz's Raz Ma Taz
Pennie Nicole Rutherford
Chelsea Queen of Dazzle
Ace of Sabino Canyon
Chelsea of Sabino Canyon
My Girl Calisto
Rascal XXXVI
Muffin Marie Boyd
Sahara Golden Lady
Grizzly Boe Bear
Coena Gold Buffey
Cindy's Gold Delight
Goldie Nikolette's Delight
Mar-Jas Bacchus
Zee (SC463932)
Gidget VIII
Sunblest Winning F B Coach [OFA GR-49387G44M]
Butternut Wenaha Chieftain
Am./Can. CH. Smithaven's Benchmark Caper CD OS SDHF [OFA GR-10370]
Butternut Claudias Own Pippa [OFA GR-6444]
Thistledown Sunblest Dell [OFA GR-34097E25F]
CH Kindred Peppercreek Suspense OS [OFA GR-28124F24M]
Kiros Thistledown Rose [OFA GR-26896G27F]
Goldie Beija Carranza C
Thompson's Mamas Boy Otis
Papas Girl Ora

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