
Golden Retriever

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Mitchell's Cammy Kay Kay  (12/3/1998-)

Five generation pedigree:

Mitchell's Cammy Kay Kay
Mitchell's Sir Gordon
Quartermoon Bearrug MH WCX **
FC AFC Tangelo's Side Kick OS FDHF
Sungold Sand Kicker ***
FC AFC Chief Sands OS FDHF
Sungold Kickoff
Troymar Shasta Spring WCX
Bainin of Caernac CD *** OS
Montclair Tawny Edison CD WCX OD
Quartermoon's Lucky Starwood WCX OD
FC AFC Sungold Lad's Talisman OS FDHF
FC AFC Misty's Sungold Lad CDX OS FDHF
Cayenne's Nutmeg OD
Poppygold Storyteller WCX
AFC Holway Barty OS
Poppygold Doo-Da Day CD **
Buckshot's Brassy Honey
FC AFC Sunfire's XX Buckshot OS
AFC Wild Fire Of Riverview CDX WCX OS FDHF
Riverview's Kinike Rocket ***
Riverview's Nettles CDX OD
Sun Fire's Dyno Of Chances R OD
Bonnie Brook's Mortimer **
Chances R Milady
Buckshot's Prairie Peaches OD
FC AFC Sunfire's XX Buckshot OS
AFC Wild Fire Of Riverview CDX WCX OS FDHF
Sun Fire's Dyno Of Chances R OD
Prairie Thistle's Funky Fern *** WCX
Dual CH AFC Tigathoe's Funky Farquar OS DDHF FDHF
Riverview's Prairie Thistle WC OD
Mitchell's Golden Eau Claire
Goldie Mason Paquette
Mason Nichols Paquette
Amos Moses VIII
Brooks III
Rascal X
Shannons Spring
Pilot Groves Gallant Gold
Pilot Groves Golden Starmakes
Britt Lovewell Of Marshalton
Our Wild Doctor L
The Wild Blue Yonder
Bessie From Beechridge
Lovewell's Golden Winter Risk
Am./Can. CH Sunshinehill Lad O'Sunnybrae
Miss Molly Magee Of Dunbarton
Collana D'Oro of Kate CD
OTCH Shoreland's Big Harry Deal ** OS
Chances R Cool Hand Luke CDX MH OS ***
Bonnie Brook's Mortimer **
Chances R Milady
Shoreland's Somday Shahasta
FC AFC Tigathoe's Kiowa II OS FDHF
Somday's Flyaway Flair WC
A Penny For Your Thoughts CD
FC AFC Sunfire's XX Buckshot OS
AFC Wild Fire Of Riverview CDX WCX OS FDHF
Sun Fire's Dyno Of Chances R OD
Mioak's Pandy Tuff Honey
Mioak's Tuff Stuff ***
Mioak's Pandora

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