
Golden Retriever

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Easterlily  (5/23/1980-)

The number listed in green after each dog's name is its approximate age at time of death. If no number is listed, the dog may be still living, or the information is missing from the database.

Five generation pedigree:

Knegarens Indeed In Fashion
Eng. CH. Davern Figaro
Eng. CH. Camrose Tallyrand of Anbria [13 years]
Eng. Ch. Camrose Fantango
Dorcas Timberscombe Topper
Golden Camrose Tess
Eng. Ch. Jane of Anbria
Eng. CH. William of Westley
Eng. CH. Briar Of Arbrook
Eng. CH. Camrose Pruella Of Davern
Eng./Irish Ch. Cabus Cadet JW [9 years]
Beauchasse Jason
Brecklands Tamaris
Camrose Wistansy
Eng. CH. Camrose Tallyrand of Anbria [13 years]
Eng. CH. Camrose Loretta
NUCH NORDV-78 Knegaren's Galalinda
SUCH Tarquin Of Mariville
Eng. CH. Sansue Saracen Of Westley
Eng. CH. Camrose Nicolas of Westley
Sansue Latisha
Mariville Odille of Biltor
Eng. CH. Dai Of Yarlaw [13.5 years]
Myra of Biltor
Knegaren's Fidelity
FINUCH NUCH NORDV-79 Deremar Donald
Eng. CH. Davern Figaro
Eng. CH. Deremar Rosemary
INTUCH NORDUCH Country Boy Golden Kay
INTUCH NORDUCH Apports Country Boy
Kirstina of Kuldana
Companions Felicia
SUCH Apports Donovan
NUCH FINUCH Wessex Timmy-Tinker
DKCH Anbria Tarlatan
Eng. CH. Camrose Tallyrand of Anbria [13 years]
Danish CH Anbria Laurel
Danish CH Anbria Joriemour Lisbeth
Eng. CH. Camrose Nicolas of Westley
Joriemour Anbria Liana
FINUCH Apports Joy
Eng. FT. CH. Stubblesdown Larry
Eng. CH. Dorcas Glorious of Slat
Eng. Dual CH. Stubblesdown Golden Lass
Stubblesdown Begay [14.5 years]
Stubblesdown Nearula
Lassie's Golden Linndie
Companions Golden Beauty
Daniel of Westley
Eng. CH. Simon of Westley [10.5 years]
Camrose Petula
Byxfield Fair Maid
Castelnau Noel
Clematis Of Carthew
SUCH Sandemars Goldilocks
NUCH FINUCH Wessex Timmy-Tinker
DKCH Anbria Tarlatan
Danish CH Anbria Joriemour Lisbeth
SUCH INTUCH Sandemars Azurra
Fin./Nor. CH. Apports Larry Jr.
Bonnie av Sickelsjo [13.5 years]

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