
Golden Retriever

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Deb's Dirt Devil Chase's Star's  (2/22/1997-)

Five generation pedigree:

Deb's Dirt Devil Chase's Star's
Geronimo Jake Martin
Sir Sargent Winston
Sargent Bracken [OFA GR-27937F34M]
Jesse James Junior
Mandigo's Snow Bear [OFA GR-17488]
Jamie McTavish Of Evans Acres
Amerita Puper [OFA GR-23674F71F]
Westmont's Amicus
Henry's Golden Star
Lady Brandin
Prince Lamar Delaquince
Sievert Rustic Rampage
Dawn Of Mystic Maggie
Summer's Golden Elvira
Jeanette's Shannon
Jennie's Last Summer
Lady Dorris Hutchinson
Jacksons Buddy Boy Oconee
Hoff's Jason
Leatherwood Sun Captain Jack
Alston's Ragamuffin
Rhea's Golden Katie
Mark's Gift Of Gold
Rhea's Ginger-Snap
Amanda Leigh Oconee Jackson
The Urban Cowboy
Sir Dustin of Roswell [OFA GR-9313]
Marni's Crystal Sunshine
Penny Girl (SE396977) [OFA GR-23168]
Golden Rod Joel
Robbies Golden Sundown
Lucy Belle Martin
Honeybears King Cole
Pekay's Merry Gentleman [OFA GR-42970G34M]
Pekay's Lady Killer [OFA GR-28530G24M]
Am. CH. Beaumaris Pekay's Kilowatt OS [OFA GR-7796]
Pekay's Double Indemnity [OFA GR-22053]
Highland Sunfire Of Pekay [OFA GR-33204G29F ]
Am. CH. Pekay's Ready Aim Fire CD OS [OFA GR-11606-T ]
Sunfire's Highland Crisp CDX JH WCX Can CDX [OFA GR-25584F24F-T]
Honeybears Casandra Page [OFA GR-33311F24F ]
Pekay's Up And At Um Rusty
Am. CH Jayba Pekay Tiger Pause [OFA GR-20485]
Pekay's Yellow Moon [OFA GR-19556 25F]
Lori's Katie Scarlett
Cepheus Golden Sceptre
My Bonnie Heather
Annie Oakley's Wambli Wiyaka
Pahaska Cody
Quailes Crest Huskey
Quailes Crest Nicholas
Quailes Crest Misty
Kate's Autumn Sage
Lord Howard Of Effingham
Cliatt's Lady Kathryn
Watanya Cicilla Annie Oakley
Yuchi Sakaseni
Hialeah Alexander
Carol's Golden Honey III
Agiya Tallulah
Chief Sasquatch II
Princess Amber Of Chadwick

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