
Golden Retriever

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Am. CH. Alaisdair Of Highstead  (2/26/1930-1940)

The number listed in green after each dog's name is its approximate age at time of death. If no number is listed, the dog may be still living, or the information is missing from the database.

Five generation pedigree:

Am. CH. Alaisdair Of Highstead
Eng. FT. CH. Anningsley Crakers
Eng. CH. Cornelius (UK, 28DD) [10.5 years]
Binks Of Kentford
Eng. CH. Noranby Campfire
Culham Copper
Normanby Beauty
Eng. SH. CH. Noranby Dandelion
Ingestre Dred
Ingestre Luna
Balvaig (Spalding Moor Rust x Dinah)
Spalding Moor Rust << Rust
Rust Boy
Glanduff Wanda
(Langbury) Dinah (Noranby Sandy x Bess Brass)
Normanby Sandy
Bess Brass
Ballingdon Betty
Early Dusk (Heydown Guide)
Glory of Fyning
Normanby Balfour
Stella of Fyning
Stagden Cross Pamela
Prior (Paxhill Brian x Culham Bronze)
Stagden Cross Honey
Stagden Cross Betty
Eng. Dual CH. Balcombe Boy
Culham Tip
Culham Amber II
Stagden Cross Sylvia
Duneric Sam
Dinah Of Ballingdon
Eng./Am. CH Anningsley Beatrice
Anningsley Sunlight
Benjamin Of Kentford
Rufus Of Kentford
Eng. CH. Noranby Campfire
Eng. SH. CH. Noranby Dandelion
Noranby Bandoline
Ben (UK, pre-1913)
Normanby Belinda
Anningsley Amber
Cubbington Drake < Ottershaw Drake
Triumph (UK, born 1913)
Ottershaw Honey (unregistered)
Ottershaw Blush
Ottershaw Sample
Brox Prim
Trisdik Cupie
Anningsley Ambrose
Ottershaw Rufus
Eng. Dual CH. Balcombe Boy
Pogrom (Paxhill Brian x Culham Bronze)
Anningsley Amber
Cubbington Drake < Ottershaw Drake
Ottershaw Blush
Trisdik Fairy
Chum Of Guisachan (unregistered)
Light (1923)
Noranby Curfew
Dazzle Of Kentford

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