
Golden Retriever

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Am. CH. Lady Burns  (5/21/1930-)

The number listed in green after each dog's name is its approximate age at time of death. If no number is listed, the dog may be still living, or the information is missing from the database.

Five generation pedigree:

Am. CH. Lady Burns
Eng. CH. Bruar Scot
Eng. CH. Haulstone Dan
Eng. Dual CH. Balcombe Boy
Culham Tip
Culham Copper
Culham Amber II
Culham Copper II
Culham Lassie
Dan Hill Bunty < Balcombe Bunty (unregistered)
Ottershaw Brilliant
Ottershaw Sovereign
Ottershaw Blush
Culham Tip
Honey (UK, historical)
Crocus (Cornelius x Jewel)
Eng. CH. Cornelius (UK, 28DD) [10.5 years]
Binks Of Kentford
Eng. CH. Noranby Campfire
Eng. SH. CH. Noranby Dandelion
Balvaig (Spalding Moor Rust x Dinah)
Spalding Moor Rust << Rust
(Langbury) Dinah (Noranby Sandy x Bess Brass)
Jewel (Noranby Campfire x Eastling Jewess)
Eng. CH. Noranby Campfire
Culham Copper
Normanby Beauty
Eastling Jewess
Eng. SH. CH. Klip
Sunshine Beauty
Abbots Amber < Madame Rostova
Eng. CH. Michael Of Moreton
Rory Of Bentley [16 years]
Normanby Balfour
Culham Brass
Normanby Beauty
Columbine (daughter of Primrose Nell)
Primrose Nell
Aurora (UK, 1921)
Triumph (UK, born 1913)
Paxhill Brian
Columbine (daughter of Primrose Nell)
Amber (1918)
Ottershaw Sovereign
Ottershaw Eclipse
La Tosca (Proud Jock x La Della)
Proud Jock
Thaxted Binks
Binks Of Kentford
Thaxted Beauty
Stagden Cross Gleam
Ottershaw Brilliant
La Della
Astley Lad
Astley Storm
Griff (Proud Ben x Red Queen)
Glanduff Noblesse
Bladen Boxer (unregistered)
Bladen Beatrice < Russet Of Ardnalee

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