
Golden Retriever

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Guys Golden Fog  (5/2/1998-)

The number listed in green after each dog's name is its approximate age at time of death. If no number is listed, the dog may be still living, or the information is missing from the database.

Five generation pedigree:

Guys Golden Fog
Targhee Van Buford Jr
Targhee Van Buford
Jedediah Buford Spickard
Lazryth (SB592091)
Mindy Patterson
Lucy Van Cliburn
Sir Afton Nethercott
Dylan Janeen Bogart
Golden Of The Tetons
Kelly-Girl XVI
Daisy A Day
Jessica Of Idaho Falls
Second Chance IV
Trooper De Golden Gift
Dixie My Southern Belle
Ms Classy Sassy
Highland Sailor Boy
Babe's Golden Boy (SE242803)
Nanna's Pet
Z Bar T Pretty Peaches
Luke T Split
Big Sky Golden Girl
Hailey's Sweet Cloe
Pebbles Machjo Bar Clay
Macho Mojo Whitefeet
FC AFC Windbreakers Mighty Mo OS FDHF [15 years]
AFC Yankee's Smoke'n Red Devil OS
FC Windbreakers Razzmatazz OD [9 years]
Bar Nones Rodeo Rose CDX
FC AFC Tangelo's Side Kick OS FDHF [13.5 years]
Quartermoon's Lucky Starwood WCX OD
Pebbles Golden Gem
Am CH Brebeaus Go For The Gusto CD
Am. CH. Timberee Right On Target CDX WC
Peaches Golden Arrow CD OD
Pebbles Golden Carmel
Am CH Malagold Bristol's Buddy
Pebbles Of Gold CD
Sissys Jody Jo Jo
Danny Beau
Beau Michael Pride
The Golden Amazon
Little Miss Yellow Stone
Robert's Rusty Nuget
Targhee Van Buford
Molly Of Marbrisa
Yellowstone's Ginger Joy
Yellowstone (SC779666)
Golden Nugget In The Ruff

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