
Golden Retriever

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Nehr-Crest Festive Tune  (12/19/1957-)

The number listed in green after each dog's name is its approximate age at time of death. If no number is listed, the dog may be still living, or the information is missing from the database.

Five generation pedigree:

Nehr-Crest Festive Tune
Nehr-Crest Golden Comet
Nehr-Crest Victress Lark
Squawkie Hill Prince Tommot
Gannochy Donald
Eng. SH. Ch. Torrdale Kim of Stenbury
Torrdale Tinker
Torrdale Tip Toes
Dorcas Leola
Tormist Amber
Dorcas Felicia
Gannochy Amanda
Culzean Captain Mac
Donald Mohr/Donald Mhor
Radiant Of Tone
Dorcas Amanda
Eng Ch Stubbings Golden Nicholas
Dorcas Felicia
Golden Lurra
Hurricane Of Golden Valley
Am. CH. Tonkahof Bang *** OS SDHF DDHF [6.5 years]
Am. CH. Goldwood Pluto *** OS
Buff of Golden Valley
FC Patricia of Roedare
Rockhaven Plutoboy OS
Lady of Roedare OD
Lucky Of Windy Pines
Peter of Woodend *** OS
FC Rip OS FDHF [5.5 years]
Rockhaven Judy ** OD
Stilrovin Xpert
Stilrovin Bullet *** OS
Gilnockie Coquette OD

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