
Golden Retriever

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Kaneli  (4/11/2005-)

The number listed in green after each dog's name is its approximate age at time of death. If no number is listed, the dog may be still living, or the information is missing from the database.

Five generation pedigree:

FIN CH H??m?rin Aikapommi [10 years]
MultCh, ChFin, ChSw, FTCH, Tracking CH Trewater Macoy [13.5 years]
Muskan Most Likely [13.5 years]
Golcrest Game Of Chance
Eng. CH. Meant To Be At Moorquest
Golcrest Ginglewood
Muskan Miss Elite JW
Eng. CH. Gatchells Sky At Night JW [8 years]
Muskan Miss Chic
Eng. Sh. Ch. Sandusky Khamsin At Trewater
Eng. SH. CH. Linchael Conspiracy Of Chevanne
Eng. CH. Styal Scott Of Glengilde [14.5 years]
Eng. SH. CH. Linchael Delmoss
Sansue Golden Gloria Of Sandusky JW [11.5 years]
Eng. CH. Gaineda Consolidator Of Sansue
Eng. SH. CH. Sansue Wrainbow
H??m?rin Kastehelmi
Fin Ch Guldklimpens Kaerlighetens Lille Du
Nortonwood Secreto [11.5 years]
Eng. SH. CH. Nortonwood Checkmate [13 years]
Westley Sabrina of Nortonwood
Guldklimpens Ruffel O B?g
N UCh Guldklimpens Tarzan
Guldklimpens P?nderosa
Dewmist Prairie Moon
Styal Samarkand
Eng. CH. Nortonwood Faunus [12.5 years]
Eng. CH. Styal Susila [12.5 years]
Lucretias Islandinthesun
NU CH. Gyrima Zacharias
Noravon Lucretia
Go Boom's Baila More
Karvin Hot News
Fin Ch Ipcress Sea Quest [13 years]
Eng CH Paudell Easter Plantagenet at Kerrien [13.5 years]
Sansue Castalian KCJW SGWC
Kerrien Calypso of Paudell
Ipcress Cassandra
Unavale Fortune Of Okus
Glengilde Barley Of Ipcress
TK2 Karvin Kantarell [12.5 years]
MULTI CH, CH INT, FIN, GER, VDH, LUX Almerak Pipers Dream [12.5 years]
Eng. CH. Bramhills Pied Piper At Almerak
Almerak Kandee That's My Girl
FINUCH Chevanne Snow N'Ice [ years]
Eng. CH. Bethrob Bracken [13.5 years]
Eng. SH. CH. Chevanne Sugar N' Spice
Bitterblue Gabriella
FIN CH Yellow Waterlily Milkcoffee
Majik Johnny B Goode
Dabess Wilberforce
Majik Jessamine
Est & Fin Ch EstW-93 Yellow Waterlily Anemone [ years]
Linchael Corniche
Fin Ch Velocipes Carmen [ years]
Rantalappia Tutmak
Majik Grand Prix
INT & FIN & N CH Mjaerumhogda's Your Choice
Dabess Creme De Cassis
Golden Mist Wendy
Fin Ch Of Stigellhouse Sunstar
Golden Mist Kitelady

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