
Golden Retriever

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Bailey Queen Of The Hunt  (8/31/1993-)

Five generation pedigree:

Bailey Queen Of The Hunt
FC AFC Stony-Brook's Jersey Devil OS FDHF
AFC Yankee's Smoke'n Red Devil OS
FC AFC Northbreak Kinike Sir Jim OS FDHF
Poika of Handjem OS
FC AFC Brandy Snifter FDHF
CH Torch of Handjem ***
Shenandoah of Stilrovin CD *** OD
AFC Gunnerman's Coin of Copper OS FDHF
Stilrovin Kathy-K OD ***
Yankee Fluff ***
AFC Holway Barty OS
Eng. FT. CH. Holway Westhyde Zeus
Eng. FT. CH. Holway Flush of Yeo < Flush Of Yeo
Star Babe Of Handjem
FC AFC Chief Sands OS FDHF
Lady Tam Of Handjem
Stony-Brooks' Fools Gold *** WC OD
FC AFC Chief Sands OS FDHF
Chief Oshkosh of Stilrovin **
AFC Gunnerman's Coin of Copper OS FDHF
Stilrovin Kathy-K OD ***
Echo of Sands ***
Riffwood Sand *
Goldie of Merry Jewel
Tigathoe's Instant Replay WC OD
Tigathoe's Tonka **
FC AFC FTCH Bonnie Brooks Elmer OS FDHF
Tigathoe's Chickasaw *** OD
Tigathoe's Shadowbrook Jig **
Am. Dual CH AFC Clickety Click FDHF DDHF
Falcon Lakes Golden Comet ***
Mioak's Maggie II
OTCH Shoreland Go For The Gold
OTCH Shoreland's Big Harry Deal ** OS
Chances R Cool Hand Luke CDX MH OS ***
Bonnie Brook's Mortimer **
Chances R Milady
Shoreland's Somday Shahasta
FC AFC Tigathoe's Kiowa II OS FDHF
Somday's Flyaway Flair WC
Shorelands PDQ OD
OTCH Topbrass Ric O Shay Barty Can CD WCX OS OBHF
AFC Holway Barty OS
Ch Sunstream Gypsy of Topbrass OD
Shoreland's Xanadu CD
Flambeau Chip of Handjem ***
Bounty-Quick Picker Upper UD WCX OD
Mioak's Matilda
FC AFC Topbrass Windbreaker Zap OS FDHF
AFC Yankee's Smoke'n Red Devil OS
FC AFC Northbreak Kinike Sir Jim OS FDHF
Yankee Fluff ***
FC Windbreakers Razzmatazz OD
AFC Holway Barty OS
Nutmeg's Harvest Gold Heather **
Mioak's Sparklin' Jezebel WCX *** OD
AFC Wild Fire Of Riverview CDX WCX OS FDHF
Riverview's Kinike Rocket ***
Riverview's Nettles CDX OD
Mioak's Ginger *** OD
AFC Holway Barty OS
Bonnie Brook's Mabel OD

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