
Golden Retriever

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Briarmoor's Such A Doll  (3/29/1971-)

Five generation pedigree:

Briarmoor's Such A Doll
Am. CH. Sidram Sea Power UD OBHF
Am. CH. Sidram Sea King
Brett Of Westley CDX OS
Eng./Irish Dual CH. David Of Westley
Eng. CH. Dorcas Glorious of Slat
Eng. CH. Susan of Westley
Eng. SH. CH. Annette Of Westley
Eng. CH. William of Westley
Eng. CH. Sally Of Westley
Sidram Stella
King Of Braewick's Swift
Am./Can. CH. Golden Knoll's King Alphonzo OS SDHF
Am. CH. Gilder's Wingra Belle OD
Am. CH. Golden Knoll's Shur Shot CD OS SDHF
Mueller's Sparkle OD
Franda Miranda
Michael's Mr Chips
FC Cresta Chip
Sunset King **
Penny (A865731)
Hetherington Jeane CD OD
CH Little Joe Of Tigathoe *** OS
Royal Golden Teal ***
Sidram Sunliner CD
Brett Of Westley CDX OS
Eng./Irish Dual CH. David Of Westley
Eng. SH. CH. Annette Of Westley
Sidram Stormy
Sidram Sidekick
Sidram Shining Starlett
Am. CH. Sun Dance's Chorus Girl CD
Am. CH. Sun Dance's Bronze CD OS
Am. CH. Indian Knoll's Roc-Cloud UD OS OBHF
Am. CH. Rocky Of Holland Farm
AmCH Rockhaven Rio
Am./Can. CH. Rockhaven Regina OD
Indian Knoll's Misty
Am. CH. Golden Knoll's Shur Shot CD OS SDHF
Am. CH. Roxleigh Honey Moon
Sidram's Kapering Korky CD OD
Sidram Shortstop
Am. Dual CH. AFC Squawkie Hill Dapper Dexter DDHF FDHF
Howe's Peggy ***
Sidram Sawanee
Am. CH. Major Golden Boy CD
Sidram Sandusky CD **
Satinway Wildmist Of Sidram OD
Eng. Ch. Camrose Fantango
Dorcas Timberscombe Topper
Dorcas Bruin
Timberscombe Trefoil
Golden Camrose Tess
Sherrydan Damson
Sunshine Of Slat
Satinway Wild Charm
Am. CH. Satinway Nimrod Of Rosecott < Nimrod Of Rosecott
Camrose Fantasy of Rosecott
Velvet of Rosecott
Satinway Leystead Rose
Regency Rake Of Gresham
Gay of Leystead

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