
Golden Retriever

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Tige's Leon  (3/8/1975-)

Five generation pedigree:

Tige's Leon
Teddy XVII
Julia's Huger of Hobcaw
Beauregarde Of Hobcaw
Prince Goldenray
Nelson De Bois Fleuri
Grovehouse Gold Crest
Dede Of Dean
Ramal The Lord Sporter
Flame Of Columbia
Hasen's Able Angel
Am./Can. CH. Gayhaven Lldiel Am./Can. CDX, OS Am. WC
Am/Can CH. Gilder's Wingra Beau OS
Am. CH. Gayhaven Harmony CDX
Am. CH. Deerfield's Seafoam Treasure
Am. CH. Shewatuck's Moon Master
Brass Button's Honey
Posey's Bacot of Hobcaw
Am./Can. CH. Kyrie Firebrand Fidor Am./Can. CDX Am. TD WC, Bda. CD
Eng./Am. CH. Figaro of Yeo SDHF
Ringmaster Of Yeo
Alresford Badminton
Kyrie Dalinde WC, Am-Can CD
Des Lacs Delaware
Am. CH. Gayhaven Harmony CDX
Hasen's Maude of Diamond
Am./Can. CH. Gayhaven Lldiel Am./Can. CDX, OS Am. WC
Am/Can CH. Gilder's Wingra Beau OS
Am. CH. Gayhaven Harmony CDX
Am. CH. Deerfield's Seafoam Treasure
Am. CH. Shewatuck's Moon Master
Brass Button's Honey
Tilley (SB367539)
Buffy-Boy From Paris MT
Al-Ti-Rozzy Pat-a-Cake II
Tigathoe's Pat-a-Cake
AFC Sunshine Cake FDHF
Aureal Wood's Argon
Sycamore Farm Aquabelle
Peter of Parke's Run
Si Belle
Doree Des Pavillons
Keyes Happy Hunter
Am. CH. Ruanme Yankee Clipper
Saguenay's Tenny
Gayhaven Buff
Am. CH. Gentian Meadow's Jolly CD
Gayhaven Golden Taffy
Heidi Of Donauland
Buffy-Boy From Paris MT
Al-Ti-Rozzy Pat-a-Cake II
Tigathoe's Pat-a-Cake
Sycamore Farm Aquabelle
Doree Des Pavillons
Keyes Happy Hunter
Gayhaven Buff
Tina Of German House
Featherquest Nimrod II
Goldenrod's Ray Of Friendship **
Am. CH. Featherquest Tic Toc
Huntingtons Silky Cindy
Wessala Kevin
Ducay Dixie Belle

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