
Golden Retriever

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Sha-Dy Acres Gold-Digger  (8/2/1996-)

Five generation pedigree:

Sha-Dy Acres Gold-Digger
Sha-Dy Acres Our Code Blue CD CGC [OFA GR-4984F24M]
Mult. BIS & BISS Am/Can CH. Asterling's Wild Blue Yonder OS SDHF CGC [OFA GR-33207F26M]
Am CH Signature's Sound Barrier OS [OFA GR-29877F26M]
BISS Am CH Asterling Go Getm Gangbuster OS SDHF [OFA GR-23562G25M]
Am CH Birnam Wood's Mountin' Ash OS [OFA GR-16012E26M]
BIS BISS Am Can CH Amberac's Asterling Aruba OD SDHF [OFA GR-11860G 24F]
Rosewindi Write The Songs OD [OFA GR-22975F24F]
BIS Am CH Asterling Austin-Healey OS SDHF [OFA GR-18615]
Am CH Sunshine's Rebel Rose CD [OFA GR-16735-T]
AmCH Asterling's Wingmaster OD [OFA GR-28171G24F]
BIS Am CH Asterling Austin-Healey OS SDHF [OFA GR-18615]
Am. CH. Beaumaris Pekay's Kilowatt OS [OFA GR-7796]
BIS BISS Am Can CH Amberac's Asterling Aruba OD SDHF [OFA GR-11860G 24F]
BIS BISS Am Can CH Amberac's Asterling Aruba OD SDHF [OFA GR-11860G 24F]
BIS Am. CH Gold Coast Here Comes The Sun CD OS SDHF [OFA GR-7494]
Sunhaven's Amberac's Aruba OD
Windfall's Zippidy Do Da CD CGC [OFA GR-38518G24F]
Am. CH. Honor's Fun In The Sun WC [OFA GR-31468G26M-T]
BISS CH. Amberac's Hi Thyme Rycroft OS SDHF [OFA GR- 19864G24M-T]
Am. CH. Libra Malagold Coriander OS SDHF [OFA GR-14095 30M]
Amberac's Lolla Pulooza OD [OFA GR-13176]
Am. CH. Honor's Bunny Hug OD BISS [OFA GR24910G25F-T]
BIS Am. CH Gold Coast Here Comes The Sun CD OS SDHF [OFA GR-7494]
Am. CH. Honor's Centerfold OD [OFA GR-15629-T]
Windfalls Twist n Shout [OFA GR-30948F25F]
Am CH Char-Tine's Golden Mr Yellow WCX
Char-tines Sailor's Delight CD [OFA GR-19809-T]
Char-Tines Brandy [OFA GR-16346]
Windfall's Mischief Maker [OFA GR-16126]
Am/Can CH Morningsage Sunrio Sandman [OFA GR-12084]
Can.CH Windfall's Quantock Roxanne CD [OFA GR-6430]
Sha-Dy Acres Murphy's Xmas Gift CGC [OFA GR-51369G25F]
Windfall's Maxi-Million CDX, CGC [OFA GR-31097E24M-T]
Am. CH. Classic Brae Lea Headliner [OFA GR-23039F24M]
CH. Malagold Summer Encore OS SDHF [OFA GR-10402 32M]
Am Ch Hunts Finnegan OS SDHF [OFA GR-2510]
Am. CH. Malagold Svea OD [OFA GR-3153]
Am. CH Synergold Friday's Frankette [OFA GR-11745 25F]
Am. CH. Toryglen Idling Jerome UD *** [OFA GR-3697 26M]
Am CH Topbrass Synergold Sultana WCX OD [OFA GR-9818G30F]
Morningsage Windfall's Charm [OFA GR-18404]
Am/Can CH Morningsage Last Tango [OFA GR-6517]
Am. CH. Honor's Let Em' Have It CD WC OS [OFA GR-2967]
Morningsage Malagold Honey Am/Can OD [OFA GR 2970]
Am./Can. CH Morningsage Some Punkin OD [OFA GR 12180]
BIS Am. CH Gold Coast Here Comes The Sun CD OS SDHF [OFA GR-7494]
Am. CH. Morningsage Sandpebble CD OD [OFA GR-6390]
Windfall's I Can Do it Myself CD CGC [OFA GR-36777G24F]
Am. CH Windfall's Mister Murphy CD [OFA GR-15177]
Am. CH Gold Country's Chug A Lug WC [OFA GR-7727]
Am. CH Sham-O-Jets Luvamike OS [OFA GR-3273]
Indian Knoll's Crickets Love OD [OFA GR-2865]
Windfall's Felicia CD OD [OFA GR-7215 ]
Am. CH. Honor's Let Em' Have It CD WC OS [OFA GR-2967]
Am. CH Winward's Sweet N Cuddly CD WC [OFA GR-2893 ]
Golden Hills Little Wind [OFA GR-30269G26F]
Am CH Birnam Wood's Mountin' Ash OS [OFA GR-16012E26M]
Am./Can. CH. Kachina Twenty Karat OS SDHF [OFA GR-11372F ]
Am Ch Goldenloe's Cinnamon Sizzler OD [OFA GR-9984]
Golden Hills On The Jazz CD [OFA GR-24952G29F]
Am CH Thunderwater Sure as Shoot'n [OFA GR-15881]
CH Thunderwater's Margarita [OFA GR-12520]

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