
Golden Retriever

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Camelot's Solitaire TDI  (9/23/2006-12/29/2013)

Five generation pedigree:

Camelot's Solitaire TDI
Camelot's Hearts A Fire [ Lhip injured, Rhip clear 12/04]
Camelot's Guilty By Association [OFA GR-73474G87M-PI]
Quapaw's I Be Bad [OFA GR40876G33M-T]
Stolford Flint [OFA GR-12538 34M]
Lucky Strike Of Stolford
Stolford Madeira
Quapaw's Touch The Earth [OFA GR-23873G27F]
Am. CH Wingsong Maker's Mark OS SDHF [OFA GR-10903F25M]
Am. CH. Parkewood's Win-Taf Kiss O'Gold CD OD [OFA GR-16979 24F-T]
Camelot's Speaker Of The House [OFA GR39650G34F-T]
CH. Ivyhill's Camelot Illusion
Am./Can. CH Golden Glo Come By Chance
CH Camelot's Visions of Ivyhill
Camelot's Ivyhill Fire 'N' Ice
Am. Can. CH. Sienna Sunnybrae Fire Chaser CD OS SDHF [OFA GR-22900-T]
CH Camelot's Visions of Ivyhill
Camelot's Rumor Has It CCA
Am. CH. Pond House Mr Roberts OS [OFA GR 28158F27M]
Am/Can/Bda/Jpn CH Laurell's Jiminy Crickett OS SDHF [OFA GR 19468]
Am CH Hilltop Pekay's Pistol Pete OS [OFA GR-9009]
Am CH Laurell's Susie OD [OFA GR-9877]
Okeechobee Pocahontas [OFA GR 21936F24F]
Am. CH. Okeechobee's Taylor Made OS [OFA GR-12872]
Cloverdale Okeechobee Ziper [OFA GR-18636]
Camelot's Ivyhill One Mo'Time [OFA GR-50348F57F]
Am./Can. CH Golden Glo Come By Chance
Am. CH Golden Glo's Casey's Up To Bat
Golden Glo V Linzmeyer Merger
CH Camelot's Visions of Ivyhill
Am. CH Dawn Heir's Morn' N Breeze OS [OFA GR-06962]
Toasty Goldmont Parque
Viking's Tales Of Camelot CCA [OFA GR-89681G25F-VPI]
Camelot's Guilty By Association [OFA GR-73474G87M-PI]
Quapaw's I Be Bad [OFA GR40876G33M-T]
Stolford Flint [OFA GR-12538 34M]
Lucky Strike Of Stolford
Stolford Madeira
Quapaw's Touch The Earth [OFA GR-23873G27F]
Am. CH Wingsong Maker's Mark OS SDHF [OFA GR-10903F25M]
Am. CH. Parkewood's Win-Taf Kiss O'Gold CD OD [OFA GR-16979 24F-T]
Camelot's Speaker Of The House [OFA GR39650G34F-T]
CH. Ivyhill's Camelot Illusion
Am./Can. CH Golden Glo Come By Chance
CH Camelot's Visions of Ivyhill
Camelot's Ivyhill Fire 'N' Ice
Am. Can. CH. Sienna Sunnybrae Fire Chaser CD OS SDHF [OFA GR-22900-T]
CH Camelot's Visions of Ivyhill
Viking Picture Perfect [OFA GR-84242G56F-NOPI]
Am./Can. CH. Viking's Streaking Comet [OFA GR64708G24M]
Am. CH Stillwaters Fire Up North SDHF [OFA GR-42584G24M]
Am./Can. CH Colabaugh Fire Bear Houdini OS SDHF [OFA GR-28527G24M]
Bargello's Spring Bouquet [OFA GR-32589F24M]
Viking Classic Tasha [OFA GR-54103G28F]
Okeechobee's Frankly My Dear [OFA GR-40802G24M]
Viking Okeechobee's Hi Hope [OFA GR-43521G24F ]
Okeechobee's Viking Classic Ka [OFA GR-51785G29F]
Am. CH. Okeechobee Stamp of Approval [OFA GR-22460]
Am Ch Okeechobee's Rock Hill Kidd SDHF [OFA GR-14064]
Jenny Mae Dancer
Okeechobee's Picture Perfect
Am CH Okeechobe Everything Ernest [OFA GR-17717]
Okeechobee's Hy-Tyme Echo [OFA GR-41455G97F]

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