
Golden Retriever

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Be My Dream Brdske zlato  (12/15/2006-)

The number listed in green after each dog's name is its approximate age at time of death. If no number is listed, the dog may be still living, or the information is missing from the database.

Five generation pedigree:

Be My Dream Brdske zlato
Int. Sh. Ch , Int. Ch , Lux/Dk/Dt-VDH/Swiss/Fr. Ch Ashbury Angel Heart [12.5 years]
International, French, Luxembourg Ch. Taram du Bois de la Rayere [10.5 years]
Trialer, Int Ch, Fr/Lux/Nd/VDH Ch Beeangee Jumping Jack Flash [12.5 years]
Eng. Ch. Ritzilyn Cockney Robin JW, SGWC [8 years]
UK. SH. CH. Amirene King Eider of Davern
Ritzilyn Tickled Pink
Stanroph Spring Breeze At Beeangee
Sansue Castalian KCJW SGWC
Stanroph Shere Fantasy KCJW [11.5 years]
Int Ch & Trialer Alibren Mon Cheri avec Stanroph [9 years]
Eng. CH. Stanroph Squadron Leader [12 years]
Eng. SH. CH. Steval Mickey Finn At Ivycrest [15 years]
Stanroph Shere Fantasy KCJW [11.5 years]
ENG. SH. CH. Alibren Uhura
Eng. CH. Stanroph Sailor Boy KCJW [11 years]
Stonat Santa Rosa of Alibren
Ashbury Summer Sun [10 years]
WW'01,EW'99,02, Multi & Int Ch, Ch Fr/Ger/Lux/Swi/VDH Paudell Pure Passion [13.5 years]
Eng CH Paudell Easter Plantagenet at Kerrien [13.5 years]
Sansue Castalian KCJW SGWC
Kerrien Calypso of Paudell
Kerrien Forever Bonnie at Paudell
Eng. CH. Sansue Golden Ruler
Eng. SH. CH. Kerrien C'Est La Vie JW
Trialer, INT CH, FR CH Ashbury Lovely Lisane [ years]
Kiplings Highland Hero [13 years]
Moviestar's James Dean
Int, F Ch Beamsley Bramble
Kiplings Geisha Girl
Laydak du Val D'Alvaux
Ch Kipling's Vienna Waltz
MCH DualCH Delibes's Golden Marian [13.5 years]
Hiekkakankaan Go-Go-Gunnar
Int & Fin Ch, FinW'00 Dream Max Drop Zone [13 years]
Chribas Cannonball Caddy [9 years]
Nortonwood Secreto [11.5 years]
Astown's Bumble-Bee
Sandusky Kiss And Tell
Eng. SH. CH. Linchael Conspiracy Of Chevanne
Sansue Golden Gloria Of Sandusky JW [11.5 years]
W98 Waterloo's Waltzing Matilda [15 years]
Waterloo's Birkliano
NO UCH Waterloo's Yankee SOS
Waterloo's Hello Maxine
Waterloo's Tennessee Waltz
NUCH Twinkle Ideal At Waterloo
Waterloo's Nice Niva
Delibes's Jig Pulp
Fin.Ch. Tyrnikarin Jesber
Fin. CH. Lovehayne Darter [12 years]
Sansue Castalian KCJW SGWC
Eng. CH. Sansue Pepper Of Lovehayne SGWC [13 years]
Melfricka Night of Stars
Melfricka Ace In The Hole
Melfricka Melody Maker
Delibes's Smooth Topaz
Walk Over Martell
Nor. CH Jako's Mascot [12.5 years]
Dream Max Winner Take's It All
Yellow Waterlily Syrup
Dream Max Don't Ask Me Why [12 years]
Est & Fin Ch EstW-93 Yellow Waterlily Anemone [ years]

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