
Golden Retriever

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Lone Star Mega Deal  (12/1/2006-)

The number listed in green after each dog's name is its approximate age at time of death. If no number is listed, the dog may be still living, or the information is missing from the database.

Five generation pedigree:

Lone Star Mega Deal
Ch Apollo Watermark [16.5 years]
BISS CH Bravo Apollo's Southern Comfort SDHF OS [10.5 years]
AM/MEX/AMS/WC CH Sheffield-Ducat's Spellbound SDHF, OS [13 years]
BIS BISS Am Can CH Signature's Natural Wonder OS SDHF CGC TT [12.5 years]
Am. CH. Sunshine Hill's Nat'l Cowboy OS SDHF [11 years]
Am CH Signature's Sound Sensation OD
Am CH Ducat's Fortune in Gold CDX SH WC VCX [15 years]
BISS Am CH Asterling Go Getm Gangbuster OS SDHF [12 years]
Ducat Lobi-Tatum's Hot Shot OD [ years]
Ginge Ain't Whistling Dixie OD [9 years]
Am. CH Tangleloft Odds On Pebwin CD WC VC OS Can WC [11.5 years]
Am CH Goldwing True Bear OS SDHF [11.5 years]
Am. CH Libra Lady Carioca CD OD [13 years]
CH Gower's Ginge T G I F OD [12 years]
Ginge Quiet Riot
Gower's Sweet Sophie [13.5 years]
Logos Heart To Heart
AM. CH Watermark's Regal Cowboy CD JH CGC VCX SDHF [10 years]
Ducat-Goldnz Mezur For Mezur JH WC
BISS Am CH Asterling Go Getm Gangbuster OS SDHF [12 years]
Goldenz Amazin' Grace CD
Tatum Lobi's Regal Riot [13 years]
Am. CH. Krishna's Ja-Jim Extra Special OS SDHF
Tatum's La Pacir Kate
Denali's Logos Starring Role
Regency Logos Lucky Star
BIS BISS Am/Can CH Rush Hill's Haagen-Dazs CDX JH AX OAJ WCX VCX OS SDHF Can. CD WC [11 years]
Meadowpond Regency Fantasy [15 years]
Denali's Kenai Kiss
Laurie's Yukon Gold CDX
Gold-Sun's Whirlwind CD
Apollo Lone Star Res-Q Me NA OAJ [15.5 years]
AmCH Pebwin XPDNC OS SDHF [10.5 years]
BISS CH Bravo's Old Spice SDHF OS [8.5 years]
AM/MEX/AMS/WC CH Sheffield-Ducat's Spellbound SDHF, OS [13 years]
BIS BISS Am Can CH Signature's Natural Wonder OS SDHF CGC TT [12.5 years]
Am CH Ducat's Fortune in Gold CDX SH WC VCX [15 years]
Ginge Ain't Whistling Dixie OD [9 years]
Am. CH Tangleloft Odds On Pebwin CD WC VC OS Can WC [11.5 years]
CH Gower's Ginge T G I F OD [12 years]
CH Pebwin Razzle Dazzle JH SDHF OD [14 years]
CH Sunshine Hill's USA Wrangler
Am. CH. Sunshine Hill's Nat'l Cowboy OS SDHF [11 years]
Sunshine Hill's Autum Shadow
CH Pebwin Bona Fide Nirvana OD [16.5 years]
Am. CH Tangleloft Odds On Pebwin CD WC VC OS Can WC [11.5 years]
Morningsage Genesis CDX
Am. CH. Seeshaw-Firestar Hell-O-Apollo OA OAJ [13 years]
BISS Am. CH. Okeechobee Rivendell Goblin CD SH WCX VC CGC TDI TT [13.5 years]
Am CH Okeechobe Everything Ernest [12.5 years]
Am. CH. Okeechobee's Taylor Made OS
Jolly Jack's Brat Sensation
Okeechobee's Hy-Tyme Echo [12.5 years]
Can. CH. Dabess Shindig
Okeechobee's Hy-Tymes
Am. CH Skilfor Luvs A Seeshaw Berry OD [14.5 years]
Am. CH. Pond House Mr Roberts OS [12 years]
Am/Can/Bda/Jpn CH Laurell's Jiminy Crickett OS SDHF [12 years]
Okeechobee Pocahontas [10 years]
Skilfor's My Fair Lady
Am CH Asterling Pekay's Pantera CD OS
Am./Can. CH. Skilfor Butterblac Bisque Am./Can. UD JH WC OD [14 years]

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