
Golden Retriever

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Buffy Of Tanglewood  (12/2/1967-)

The number listed in green after each dog's name is its approximate age at time of death. If no number is listed, the dog may be still living, or the information is missing from the database.

Five generation pedigree:

Buffy Of Tanglewood
El Toro
Buscadero Saturn
Christiana Rocky M.
Goldwood Frisco ***
Am. CH. Toby of Willow Lake *** DDHF [12.5 years]
Goldwood Ditt OD
Kingdale's Flicka
Brazen Beau ***
Kingdale's Fawn
Parmic Honey Nugget
Parmic Buffalo Bill
Wildlife of the Gage
Hathaway Sassy
Des Lacs Tizzie Of Parmic
Am. CH. Gilder of Elsiville OS [7.5 years]
Des Lacs Golden Rockette
Karabak (SA087939)
Mark Duck Major
Rusty of Markwell ***
Golden Chief
Roedare's Lady
Link's Golden Girl
Sir Earl Richfield
Steven's Goldrush Judy
Miss Golden Jill
FC AFC Briggs Lake Mac FDHF
Granite City Red
Briggs Lake Ginger
Rushmore's Little Miss Muffet
NFC Beautywood's Tamarack FDHF
Gold Mont Pam **
Candy Of Tomball
Barassbar of Watauga
Brett Of Westley CDX OS
Eng./Irish Dual CH. David Of Westley
Eng. CH. Dorcas Glorious of Slat
Eng. CH. Susan of Westley
Eng. SH. CH. Annette Of Westley
Eng. CH. William of Westley
Eng. CH. Sally Of Westley
Sidram Subrette CD
Am. Dual CH. AFC Squawkie Hill Dapper Dexter DDHF FDHF
Am. CH. Squawkie Hill Highlight
Am. CH. Etta Zoloto OD [14 years]
Sidram Selected **
NFC AFC Can. FC Ready Always of Marianhill OS FDHF [13.5 years]
Tammy Of Tamarack
Brownie Bee of Watauga
Bluebell's Golden Knight UD OBHF
Brett Of Westley CDX OS
Eng./Irish Dual CH. David Of Westley
Eng. SH. CH. Annette Of Westley
Sun Dance's Sunny CD
Am. CH. Indian Knoll's Roc-Cloud UD OS OBHF [11 years]
Sidram's Kapering Korky CD OD
Sidram's Kapering Korky CD OD
Sidram Shortstop
Am. Dual CH. AFC Squawkie Hill Dapper Dexter DDHF FDHF
Howe's Peggy ***
Sidram Sawanee
Am. CH. Major Golden Boy CD [8.5 years]
Sidram Sandusky CD **

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