
Golden Retriever

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Becky's Golden Dusty  (11/21/1971-)

Five generation pedigree:

Becky's Golden Dusty
Coal Creek Rusty
Rain Storm
Pine Hill Rusty
Copper IX
Queen's Golden Flash
Duchess Of Boots
Elk Creek Fannie/Elk Creek Fanny
Elk Creek Curley
Elk Creek Sports Farm
Henrietta (SA271704)
Golden Acres King
Golden Acres Peter Pan
Sparkle of Sans Souci
Diamond Kim
Golden Nugget of the Court
Lady Sandy VI
Elk Creek Fannie/Elk Creek Fanny
Elk Creek Curley
Copper of Idelwild/Copper of Idlewild
Copper Of The Rockies ***
Penny V
Lady Bon Jo
Prince of Sherwood Park
Markston's Golden Zipper
Elk Creek Sports Farm
Copper of Idelwild/Copper of Idlewild
Copper Of The Rockies ***
Penny V
Lady Bon Jo
Prince of Sherwood Park
Markston's Golden Zipper
Coal Creek Sue
Rip Of Sycamore
Copper IX
Queen's Golden Flash
Am. CH. Duke Of Rochester (A491614) **
Queen of Roedare
Duchess Of Boots
Am. CH. Duke Of Rochester (A491614) **
Bootsie of Random Lake
Elk Creek Fannie/Elk Creek Fanny
Elk Creek Curley
Copper of Idelwild/Copper of Idlewild
Lady Bon Jo
Elk Creek Sports Farm
Copper of Idelwild/Copper of Idlewild
Lady Bon Jo
Cindy Lady Sevee
Am. CH. Stormy Little Hawk CD
Lucre The Hawk **
Hawkeye Nugget
Lady of Roedare II
Aalii Golden Memory
Am. CH. Golden Knoll's Highlight CD
Aalii Carlita
Copper Red Lady
Briggs Lake Gunner
FC AFC Briggs Lake Mac FDHF
Coco (S706436)
Holst's Golden Floss
Lucre The Hawk **
Aalii Golden Memory

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