
Golden Retriever

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Genuine Colossal Daffodil

The number listed in green after each dog's name is its approximate age at time of death. If no number is listed, the dog may be still living, or the information is missing from the database.

Five generation pedigree:

Genuine Colossal Daffodil
Church Mtn's Zippidy Do Dawg
Gap View's Sir Lord Sampson
Stylish Seasons Of Samson CGC [12.5 years]
BIS BISS Am CH Lovejoy's Catchme If U CanCan SDHF Am and Can OS [13.5 years]
BIS BISS AM-CAN-JAP CH Edgehill Nautilus Calypso Jo WC OS SDHF [10 years]
Lovejoy's She Can CanCan [13.5 years]
Chuckanut Sierra In A Sunset
Am CH. Laurell's Cause For Applause OS SDHF [9 years]
Am/Can CH Kinsha's Silent Dreamer OD
Claridge Devine Summer Rose [ years]
Westben One Over Par Bogey
CH Vanreel's Max-N-Mom Effort OS SDHF [6.5 years]
Am. CH Westben's Remember Me
Angelique's Stardust Melody
Betty's Fozzie Duke of York
Jessica's Stardust Melody
Gap View's Lady Norma Jean
Kellygreen Dudley Do Right
Kellygreen Brandywine
Broughton's Buster Brown
Kellygreen's Claire Victoria
Kellygreen Jubit's Hijinx
Kelly Green's Golden Jubilee
Broughton's Lil Bit O'Sunshine
Gap View's Lady Sunday Morn
Jearl's Special Rusty
Thorin's Golden Scout
Charlotte Christophel
Meadowpond Misty MT View
Am./Can. CH. Meadowpond Sugarbear Hondo Am./Can. CDX OS
Heron Acres Meadowpond Gofer CDX JH WC OD [13.5 years]
Church Mtn's Sweet Maggie Lue
Ashbyhill's Sam I Am
Ashbyhill's Goodtime Charlie [8.5 years]
Am./Can. CH. Westben Oak Ridge Cadet OS [11 years]
Westben One Over Par Bogey
Westben Mindy Lewis
Wildwood's Gold-Rush Tempest
Am./Can. CH. VanReels Days Of Thunder [11.5 years]
CH Gold-Rush Sweet Reflection
Goodtime Yankeedoodle SWTHRT
Sir Chip Of Huntly
Gardner's Earl Of Huntly
Gardner's Highland Heather
Poo's In The Honey Jar
Am CH Edgehill Teran's Frat-Rush OS [13 years]
Des Cerise's Katie
Church Mtns Miss Rooty Tooty
Sir Remington Buckshot Buddy
Buddy Bently Stem
Sir Bently Ray
Goldie Rae
Summer Breeze Stem
Smoking Mochie
London Summer Jewel Of Joy
Lil Miss Mollie Marie [8.5 years]
Old Mill's Second In Command
Kellygreen's General Jackson
Autumn's Ellory of Shenandoah
Old Mill's Razzle Dazzle
Golden Boy Sampson Johnson
Chloe Fancy Free

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