
Golden Retriever

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ChRus,Kaz,Mol TRAMIN WITH LOVE TO BARSELONA  (10/26/2004-)

The number listed in green after each dog's name is its approximate age at time of death. If no number is listed, the dog may be still living, or the information is missing from the database.

Five generation pedigree:

Int. Ch Free-Spirit De Ducado De Espinosa
SPA CH Oliver Twist de Cal Arana
WW'01,EW'99,02, Multi & Int Ch, Ch Fr/Ger/Lux/Swi/VDH Paudell Pure Passion [13.5 years]
Eng CH Paudell Easter Plantagenet at Kerrien [13.5 years]
Sansue Castalian KCJW SGWC
Kerrien Calypso of Paudell
Kerrien Forever Bonnie at Paudell
Eng. CH. Sansue Golden Ruler
Eng. SH. CH. Kerrien C'Est La Vie JW
Frula de Cal Arana
Nor./Lux. Ch. Waterloo's Rock Around The Clock
NU Ch. SV '89 Mjaerumhogda's Limelight
Garbank Giselle
SPA CH Quiver Of Glen Sheallag
Fiveshill Amazing Snowflake
Our Justine's of Glen Sheallag
SPA CH Script Girl of Glen Sheallag
NORD UCH INT UCH Rossmix No Regrets [9 years]
Vice-WW'02, NUCH SU(u)CH NORDUCH FINUCH FINW-98 Rossmix Rugger [9 years]
Sherlock of Glen Sheallag
Knegarens Tarantella
Friendship Merriwagga [10 years]
NORDUCH INTUCH Mjaerumhogda's Classic Sound [16.5 years]
Friendship Mathilda
CH IB & Trialer Showbiz of Glen Sheallag [13.5 years]
Nor./Lux. Ch. Waterloo's Rock Around The Clock
NU Ch. SV '89 Mjaerumhogda's Limelight
Garbank Giselle
WW'95, MultCh, JChLux Orange-Juice of Glen Sheallag Belg/Fr/Lux/Nor/Den/Swed Ch
WW''90,MultiCh, ChNeth,Ger,Lux Jamescroft Squire [13.5 years]
My-Shadow Of Glen Sheallag
C.I.B. Real World of Glen Sheallag Ukrainian Winner'03 [14 years]
NUCH SUCH Inassicas Song Of Songs
Shanlimore Falcon
Eng. SH. CH. Stirchley Saxon KCJW [14 years]
Eng. CH. Nortonwood Faunus [12.5 years]
Sansue Wanda of Stirchley
Shanlimore Breeze
Eng. SH. CH. Nortonwood Silvanus
Dabess Zelana
Inassica's Stephanie
Janward Dollar
Eng. CH. Styal Scott Of Glengilde [14.5 years]
Janward Anastasia
NUCH Friendship Gaiety Girl of Inassicas
Dainty's Having It All
NUCH Zenanas Gay Delight and Friendship
Next Please of Glen Sheallag
Dutch/Ger./VDH./Arg./Lux. CH. Standfast Angus WW-91-92-93, JWW-90 [12.5 years]
NUCH Mjaerumhogda's Crusader
Fin. CH. Noravon Cornelius
Nord. Ch. Gitles Natascha [ years]
Eng. CH. Westley Ramona KCJW [14 years]
Eng. CH. Gaineda Consolidator Of Sansue
Eng. Ch. Westley Martha
CH IB & Trialer Showbiz of Glen Sheallag [13.5 years]
Nor./Lux. Ch. Waterloo's Rock Around The Clock
NU Ch. SV '89 Mjaerumhogda's Limelight
Garbank Giselle
WW'95, MultCh, JChLux Orange-Juice of Glen Sheallag Belg/Fr/Lux/Nor/Den/Swed Ch
WW''90,MultiCh, ChNeth,Ger,Lux Jamescroft Squire [13.5 years]
My-Shadow Of Glen Sheallag

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